Tower of Lies With a Success

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3rd Person POV

"Lucia? Amelia...?"

The two older girls looked up to see their younger sisters staring down at them. 

"L-Luz!" The eldest Noceda child looked up at her sister in a panic. "W-why are At this specific this...time?"

The youngest Blight gripped onto Luz's arm and sighed. "Wait, we're you spying on us Amelia...?"

"NO!" The two girls who were tangled up in teach other quickly replied together in unison.

"Wait are you serious! Are you two actually spying on us?!" Amity Blight's face got all red. Her face always gets flustered when she's mad like a tomato before she calmed down or she'd pass out.

"What? No! No! No! Me and Amelia...we uh...came here to study!" Lucia let go of resisting to punch Amelia, lowering her hand along with Amelia, pressing down on the girl with green hair hand.

"I thought you said you'd never study after 3rd year of high school?" Luz looked down at her sister with confusion.

"I...Uh...well you see I-" The oldest Noceda stammered, trying time come up with another lie.

"The reason is that...we wanted to get your new Azura book thing?" Lucia said almost as if was a question.

"But we discussed last night when we would get the new Azura book it released, I know you wouldn't forget about that since I mentioned it in the car ride to school this morning." Luz stated.

At this point Luz shut down any lie Lucia came up with on the spot.

"I...well look Luz, the real reason is that-"

"The real reason is me and Lucia wanted to hang out here alone...we didn't expect you two to be here and it scared Lucia when she saw you two and fell on top of me. I accidentally grabbed her hair which made her fall on me like this..." Amelia answered in all seriousness.

Luz and Amity couldn't really prove her lie to truly be a lie; they had no evidence of it being a lie and Amelia had a cold stone face on so it be hard to disagree with her.

"Oh...why didn't you just say so?" Luz giggled and did jazz hands before helping her older sister off the eldest Blight.

"Thanks, kid." Lucia ruffled her little sister's hair and turned to Amelia who was being helped up by Amity.

"Sorry for intruding on you kids. Go off and have fun!" Lucia faked smiled as the two younger girls walked off.

"Alone huh~?" A enlightened voice piped up from behind the two girls which made them quickly turn to see who the voice belonged to.

There stood a decently tall girl with black hair and vibrant green eyes with big circular glasses, looking down at a book in her hand with a grin across her face.

"Wionna! What the- how long have you been standing there!" Amelia jabbered.

"Long enough to get a great amount of blackmail~" Wionna replied with a witty comment before snapping the she held shut and returned to her normal, non smiling resting face.

"You were spying on the two, weren't you?"

"Was it that obvious...?" Lucia groaned.


Amelia sighed and put her face in her hands, murmuring something.

"Look Noceda...we need a different plan. Those two made up too fast and it seems impossible to get them to hate each other at this rate. We have to come up with better, harder plans! Got it?" Amelia turned to Lucia with a stern look on her face.

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