Realse Date and Study Date

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Amelia's POV

"Oct 5th..." I said aloud to myself.

That was the release date of this new Azura book thingy my younger sister Amity wanted, huh? "Looks so childish and silly..." I murmured.

"Uh. Maybe it's not childish or silly just...a bit...out of your style?" I heard a very weird high pitch voice pipe up next to me.

"The hell?" I looked over to sees a short...person? Hiding the face with the side of their hood. It was a Hexside uniform so it must've been a younger class men.

"Hey don't hide your damn face from me kid!" I reached down to grab their hood and once I pulled it down I was met eye to eye with a brown eyed and haired girl with a nervous look in her face.

We both stared at each other in silence for a few seconds as I held the kids hood down. I couldn't look away due to shock, was this the girl Amity has been sitting at lunch with?

"I-" the little girl cut me off with a scream and whacked me in the face.

"OW WHAT THAT FUCK!?" I yelled which people shushes me for.

The little twat ran off quickly before I could grab her...ugh this is why I hate children.

I looked at my phone and sighed as I hurried out the door to work, but not before I kicked that stupid poster board down. I swung my stupid car door open before I stepped in the gas and got to my stupid job with my stupid co-workers.

As I was changing into my uniform in the back room an angry Lucia Noceda hurried through the door.

"Wow the dumbass is late once again, what a surprise..." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"Shut the hell up. The manager just threaten that he'd fire me. I don't want to hear shit from you." The girl hissed at me as she quickly got changed faster than me and she stormed out just as quickly stormed in.

"Well she's in a bad mood today." I laughed to myself before getting changed into my uniform and got to work making pizzas and taking orders while the still angry Noceda folded pizza boxes and delivered pizza's.


After a long day at work I changed out of my uniform and hurried home. My sibling were probably home by now, as long as they didn't roam off.

I opened the door to see the twins playing video games on the couch. "Aren't you two suppose to be doing school work?" I set my uniform down on the table in front of the couch.

"Meh..." Emira ignored me and continued playing her video game with Edric.

"Excuse me?" I stood in front of the TV blocking their view. "Get your lazy asses up before I stick my foot up in there." I threatened which made the two groan loudly.

"Ugh but we have all the time in the world! Can we do it later?" Edric pushed as he moved where he was sitting to see what was happening in the TV.

"That's it." I unplugged the TV. "When even I say you have to get your school work done, it means something." I glared at the twins. "Now go get your school work and bring it down into the kitchen now! Go go shoo!" I pushed them off the couch and watched as the two stomped up the stairs to get their school work.

"Wonder how Amity is doing..." I said aloud before walking upstairs and down the hall to my youngest sister's room.

I creaked open the door to see Amity smiling and giggling at her phone which was...unusual. She never looks at her phone when she's studying. She had her books and notes out and everything but there was my nerd sister looking at her phone.

"Whatcha laughing at?" I walked in quickly going to her bedside.

"WAH! N-nothing!" I could see her try to swipe off the tab she was on but I snatched her phone before she could do so.

"Luz?" Who's that?" I looked down at my baby sister who was frantically grabbing at my hand for her phone back.

"N-no one! Stop butting into my personal life!" She yelled and grabbed the phone away.

"Whatever nitwit. Anyway I thought I'd surprise you and tell you I went to the library to figure out when the release date of that new nerd book it and it's the-"

"5th of October I know." She finished my sentence for me.

"How did you know...?" I asked skeptically.

"My friend told me." She replied casually as she looked on her phone.

"And who IS this friend of yours?" I asked as I peered over at what she was doing.

"My friend, buzz off." She glared at me, turning her phone away from my face.

Oh that was it.

I grabbed all of Amity's books and notes and dragged her by her skinny arms down the stairs and to the kitchen island table where the twins had their books and homework out.

"You, and your attitude stay here and work on your school work with your annoying older brother and sister!" I plopped her down on a seat and dropped her books in front of her.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you three while cooking and you all will finish your school work. Understand?" I growled at the kids while tying an apron around my waist before they quickly nodded and got to work.

"I'm making spaghetti for dinner tonight. No complaints." I stated sternly as I boiled the water.

An hour and painful 30 minutes later, I helped the young ones with their homework and class work and fed them dinner and took a quick shower.

"Alright now lets see what kinda ice cream do we-" I opened the fridge to see no ice cream in sight. Bummer.

"Mom said ice cream is had for us..." Amity piped up with a sad tone in her voice.

"Are you kidding me. Ugh okay fuck. You three get in the car and start it, we are GETTING ice cream!" I smirked; knowing I'm the best oldest sibling there is to be.

Soon enough we all piled into my small car and set off for ice cream. I blasted music from the radio and my two younger siblings, Emira and Edric, sang along in their annoying voices.

Even though I hate these suckers, I still will admit I have a soft spot for them. I enjoy times like these where I get to hang out with them and be the cool older sibling, ever since I've been banned from the Blight mansion I haven't been able to hang out with these nerds as much.

Soon we rolled up to this small ice cream shop, luck for us there was no line but...soon I saw a red beanie I wished I never saw...

"Amity!" A voice came from in front of Lucia.

"Luz?!" My little sister blushed as she called the girls name. Soon a little girl came out from in front of Lucia, Lucia put her hands on the little girl's shoulders keeping her close before she ran off quickly to hug my baby sister.

What the hell is going on...?

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