Little Miss Perfect

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Amity's POV

It was quiet in the car ride home. The sun had already set and the radio was off. All the Blight children in one car together. Everything was quiet, which is unusual when it's just us kids.

Amelia would usually be yelling at the twins because they were pulling a prank or messing around in the back seat and me...?

Well I'd be quiet. Not doing anything wrong. Just as everyone expects me to do. I am a Blight. Apart of the most wealthy and most well respected family in Bonesborough.

Everything about me has to be perfect. Perfect grades, perfect attitude, top student, most mature, and oh let's not forget, perfect hair! Well I kinda messed up on that one...

Amelia said she was dying her hair one day a year ago. I wanted to dye my hair as well so we both went out and got our hair dyed green, though, as soon as my parents saw what me and my sister did...they blew up at her. They instantly made me dye my hair back to its original color but they could never get Amelia to do the same.

A few months later she was banned from our house but she's in university and has apartment I believe. Every now and then, she picks me up and we dye our hair green again, even though our parents hate it.

Sometimes my parents leave my hair alone for awhile before they made me dye it back to my natural brunette color. It's annoying but "We are Blights, our hair is the same color as each other's, no exceptions!" My father and mother always told me whenever they were about to dye my hair back.

Ever since Amelia has left, my parents have been a bit more relaxed and eased up on the strict rules. Not completely parents don't want me and the twins becoming "rebellious" and a "problem" as they call it.

Lately though...I feel as if I've been somewhat rebellious...I've been talking to Luz Noceda...

Luz Noceda is a sweet girl with high hopes and big dreams but, there's a problem. Her sister has made a reputation for the family. Not a good one.

Apparently the first day Luz went to Hexside, Boshca called her something mean and Luz's older sister punched her square in the face. She also has a criminal record? I heard rumors of it but I can't be sure...but one of the worst things that has happened is that she's gotten into multiple arguments and psychical fights with Amelia. My eldest sister.

My parents haven't heard many good things about the Noceda's....

"Alright we're home." Amelia finally spoke up as she parked the car in the driveway in front of our house. I got out and thanked her for the ride and the ice cream before heading up to my room to text Luz.

I quickly opened my bedroom door and closed it quietly, jumping down on my bed and pulled out my phone about to text Luz but my older sister and brother, Edric and Emira busted in.

"Heya Mittens!" They said in unison like usual. They were always in sync.

"So tonight was fun, wasn't it Edric?" Emira had a smug look on her face as she and Edric walked over to me like they were the predators and I was their prey.

"It was quite the fun time indeed, Emira." Edric followed Emira's lead as she sat next to me on my bed and Ed sat behind me.

"What do you two want now." I huffed, holding my phone close to my chest protectively.

"Just wondering who are you texting there, mittens~! Is it a certain someone~?" Emira asked with a devilish smirk.

"It's no one who concerns you two!" I snapped back at the female twin.

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