Planning Day

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Lucia's POV

It was dark...pitch black. I felt as if I was in water but it didn't get my clothes wet...

"Where am I? Woah, what the...why am I saying my thoughts aloud?"

I sat up and looked around. Nothing but darkness filled my vision. The only somewhat light source I had was the glow of the water like substance.

"Hello...? Is anyone there?"

My words filled the emptiness but I had got no response.

I looked down into the water but I saw a reflection that wasn't was this white glowing figure and a smile was plastered across their face. It looked similar to Amelia...

"Amelia?! Wait is that you?!" I fell back and when I looked back into the water I didn't see the figure there any longer.

"What the fuck...?"

Just then I saw hands about to grab my face. Glowing white hands. It filled my peripheral vision.



I was in my bed...I was safe...I wasn't in darkness.
Fuck I must've slept through my alarm, since it had been going off for what seems like 5 minutes.

"Hey sis! I made pancakes! Your alarm kinda woke me up after a bit and I didn't know how to turn it off or how to wake you up so I decided to get a head start on breakfast before you could!"

Luz's smile. Boy I'm thankful to see it after that hell of a nightmare I just had...

"Thanks, Luz." I slowly rolled out of bed and turned off my alarm clock. I rummaged through my closet and grabbed my green jacket which I cleaned last night. It smelled nice and still had some warmth to it.

I threw it over my T-Shirt I slept in and turned to my little sister

"We should go flip those pancakes now, c'mon let's go!" I grabbed Luz's hand and went downstairs to go flip the pancakes, but my eyes were greeted by Eda staring at the pancakes with a spatula in hand and apron on which is a sight I'd never dreamed of seeing.

"How and why are you here?" I sighed heavily as the old lady checked the pancakes to see if they were ready to be flipped.

"Oh shush. My place is a mess so I decided to crash here. Your mom gave me a spare key as well!~" Eda flipped a pancake and chuckled. "Why are you so upset by it, kid? Your lucky I helped Luz make these pancakes or else she woulda burned this house down!" Eda waved the spatula in the air as she defended herself.

"Ah. Great." I huffed and grabbed plates out of the cabinets and laid them out so Eda could put the pancakes on the plates.

"Hey kid, I need some help with a job later tonight. Whatcha say? Wanna get some cash?" Eda asked.

Eda's jobs were usually ME doing HER dirty work. Like beat up this guy who one of Eda's customers didn't like since they bought something they wanted. It was usually some easy jobs as long as I had my trusty red bat on hand, then no one could stop the chaos I brought to the table.

"Yeah I'm free tonight. Just pick me up when your ready." I replied and handed Luz a plate of pancakes.

"Alright kid, I'll pick you up around 10 so don't be going around with your friends and making out or whatever."

"EDA!" I groaned. She doesn't know one thing about what teenagers do nowadays.

"Alright Luz, get your uniform on then we are out the door." Luz wolfed down her last bit of pancakes and ran upstairs.

The Owl House Beta Siblings AU ~You Drive Me Crazy~Where stories live. Discover now