The Beginning

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Anna's POV:
Italics- Info
Bold- Inner Thinking
Anna just came back from Michigan to LA.
"Where's the rent a car place? I need it to get a car so I can go home."
Anna was walking all around the airport, it wasn't her first time at the LAX airport, she just always forgot where she got her car from.
"Oh here it is. Ugh I have such bad memory."
"Hello. Have a reserved car?"
"Yes, I'm here for it."
"Okay, can I have your reservation code?"
"Sure." *Pulls out my phone and checks notes*
"Alright, follow me this way."
-time skip to when Anna gets home-
"AYO, what's up homies?"
Everyone on the couch: "Hey Anna!"
*everyone rushes to give Anna a hug*
Katie: "What's up Anna?"
Anna: "Finally back home."
K: "That's wassup."
A: "Where's Eva?"
K: "I think in her room. If not, she's outside."
A: "Alright, I'll see you guys later."
*Anna sneaks upstairs quietly*
*She peeks around the door to see if Eva's in her room*
*Eva was sleeping*
*Anna sneaks in and quietly places her suitcase*
*She laid next to Eva and threw something at the wall while she fake slept next to her*
*Eva slowly starts opening her eyes after a couple of minutes*
*Eva forgot that Anna hadn't been there*
*She continued sleeping since she was used to Anna being there*
*Anna actually falls asleep*
*2 hours later*
*Eva slowly wakes up*
"BOON!" she yells.
*Anna slowly started getting up*
"Were you sleeping?" Eva giggles still sleepy. "Yeah." Anna says in her raspy sleepy voice. "How long have you been here?"
"Like 3 hours" she rubbed the crust out of her eyes.
"Well get up silly, it's almost gonna be nighttime and we're gonna sleep the whole day away."
*Eva gets up and splashes cold water on her face*
*Anna gets up and gets her suitcase to go in her room*
"Want me to help you unpack?" Eva offers as Anna is on her way out.
"Sure, if you want."
*Eva follows Anna to her room and helps her* "Y'know Boon, I missed you."
"Same Eva, it's been a hell of a week not being here."
A/N: Ik this is boring, I just needed a start. Comment if you have any ideas, I think I'm gonna make them toxic.

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