Start of the holiday season

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It's the start of the holiday season in the Deetz-Maitland household and Lydia Deetz began putting up some purple garland on a black Christmas tree and digs up some ornaments were with the theme of the Nightmare Before Christmas.

This strange and unusual girl doesn't have a problem with Christmas and did have some happy memories before her stepmom Delia came along. "I'm missing a Sandy Claws Jack Skellington ornament." She looks around for the missing decoration.

"Looking for this, babes?" Said a gruff rasping voice. She turns around seeing a green-haired demon in a black and white striped suit holding the decoration in his hands. "Beej give that back, I need it for my Christmas tree." He rolled it eyes handing it over to the teen.

"Speaking of trees, I already picked out mine." The demon digs out a very singed scraggly looking bunch of pine branches tied together with twine and bugs crawling around it. "You call that a Christmas tree? It looks sadder than Charlie Brown's."

"I did have a full tree but I..."
"Set it on fire?"

"That was an accident from trying to burn a candle on both ends, literally speaking." Said the bio exorcist stuffing it back and eating some of the bugs that crawled off.

"We're gonna be picking a perfect Christmas tree tomorrow an-"
A chime from Lydia's laptop came up show a message from a user called Cassi-B that said "Hi Strange&UnusualGal666, how are things, did you get the gift I sent you?"

"Babes, who's that?" He said looking over her shoulder. "That's my e-pal, you've heard of pen pals and now there are e-pals. She's from California and we would talk at times." Lydia said replying to her message. "I got the gift and they're already put up on my own Christmas tree."

Cassi-B looked real pleased with the response. "I'm so glad, I worked real hard on those ornaments for you. Oogie Boogie and Sandy Claws Jack Skellington were the hardest to work on and I had to head to Michael's to buy extra materials😅"

The teen laughed to herself. "I'll send you a picture of my tree after I string up some lights on it."

"So how long was this going on?"
"Since April." Shrugs the goth.

"So what's the scale of baby fever at your place, all time high, mild, or low." Cassi-B messaged.

"The scale is not too high and the baby's gonna be a girl and Delia's hoping she'll come on Christmas Day or Eve. We haven't settled on a name for my new stepsister and I'm not naming her Winter🙄"

Yep, Delia and Chuck are expecting the arrival of a baby girl and there were tons of pregnancy highs and lows the family's went through and when her stepmother said that she's having a baby, Lydia didn't know how to process the news. She and her dad had a heart to heart telling her that she won't be ignored and will grow to love her little step sister or step brother.

"When I started talking with Cassi, she really did help and we became good e-pals." Lydia said sending her one more message that said she'll see her in two weeks.

"I don't know babes, what if this Cassi-B on the other end is just some creepy old guy pretending to be your e-pal and tries to get to you." Said Beej feeling pretty sus about Lydia's e-pal.

"You're one to talk, have you seen yourself in the mirror."
She said going for a small box of lights to string up on her tree.

"Now, help me put these lights on my Christmas tree." She said handing him a string of white LED lights. "Just go all the way around from the top to the bottom." Once they got the lights strung up, Lydia takes a picture of the tree to show to her e-pal. "In two weeks, you'll see that Cassi is not a creepy old guy. That and she sent me a picture of herself along with a scrapbook she gave me in the summer. Once she comes over, I'm sure you'll change your mind about her."

"Um... babes..." She turns around to see him tied up with the last set of lights. "How did you even-"
"Strings of lights aren't as innocent looking as they are they always find a ways to tangle up." He struggles and almost bites down on the lights until Lydia stops him.

Never leave a demon alone with Christmas lights.

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