Don't Krampus my style

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"Babes, have I ever told you of the time I met Santa's evil twin?"
"Santa has an evil twin?"
"Think of it as his evil shadow twin who's about this big," Beetlejuice stands tall up to the tips of his toes plus holding his hands up exaggerating the height, "has cloven goat feet, sharp claws, razor sharp fangs, possible horns, sort of hunched over because of that large bag he carries which does not have toys. I learned that the hard way, dark gross matted hair, with bells and chains, and a very horrifying face that not even my mother could love!" his shadow begins to contort with the ghastly description of this evil entity. "Beetlejuice I get the idea he's a literal Christmas Devil." Lydia tells him pointing at her mirror where he saw his reflection making the demon scream at the sight of his own form falls back. "Yep, that's him, Santa's evil demon shadow twin. They call him, Krampus and I saw him." Lydia grew intrigued to hear his story. "It was several hundred years back in the literal dead of winter on Christmas Eve in the Netherworld and was this small." He said shrinking down to the size of a toddler then back to his own height. "Like any other kid, I was asleep on the couch in a blanket  cocoon 'cause of how friggen cold it was but was worth it proving those those schoolyard kids that Santa Claus is real and saw him with my own two eyes."

The gothy brunette visualized a baby BJ waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve as he spins his frightening tale.

"I heard the sound of bells which meant there was reindeer on the roof and I sat in front of the fireplace and waited and almost fell asleep several times and it was then the fire went out and the lights on the Christmas tree did glow."

The tiny green haired demon child was sleeping in a layered cocoon of blankets woke up to the sound of bells and gets up shivering taking the warmest and plushiest blanket and sits in front of the fireplace hoping to see Santa Claus with his own eyes. Little Beej felt his eyes grow heavy but tries to stay away as his vision grows fuzzy staring at the flames then passed out asleep. The sound of bells and rattling chains was heard waking him up to the sight of cloven goat feet peeking from a heavy winter coat. He cranes his small head upward to the sight of a matted dark beard and hair sharp clawed hands clutching a large sack and a horrifying face with red eyes greeted him. "Sandy Cwas?" He said sleepily. The entity looked at him and then picks the little demon child up by the collar of his striped pajamas shaking him up from his sleepy state blinking once then twice seeing this Christmas Devil clearly seeing his grotesque features only he didn't seem scared like any other child would be instead he pulls a scarier face and was placed on the couch laughing. "Are you Sandy Cwas' evil twin?" The entity gives him a shrug and with a guttural growling sound came one word, "Krampus."

"He didn't seem to bat an eye at me and it was just little me and him staring eye to eye until he saw a note pinned on my pjs."

Krampus sees a note written in BJ's mother, Juno's handwriting that said, "Take him, he's your problem now." With his clawed hand he stares at the note the to the small demon then rips it in half.

"It turned out that my mom was telling me something about a dark Christmas legend I didn't really listen to much because I was more focused on the gingerbread men. So, Krampus just left me alone that night and hit me on the head with a bundle of branches that knocked me out like a light."

Lydia was at a loss for words at his story not sure whether to believe it or not. "That has to be the most insane story I ever heard."
"It really is true, kid and I still have the bump on my head to prove it." He took her hand guiding it to where Krampus had hit him on the head. "There it is." Lydia then pulls up her laptop showing the striped demon the ancient European folklore surrounding the entity. "This is what you saw when you were this high?" She said putting her hand at knee length. "Yep that's him and I told you I wasn't lying that he has got a face not even my mother could love. "It also says that as the shadow of St. Nicholas, he does not come to give, but to take and does not reward but punish wicked children by beating them with birch branches and drags them in his sack to the underworld and then eats them."

"Then the joke's on him babes, 'cause I happened to be in the Netherworld and a demon that night and I was pretty distasteful to be made a meal out of. Guess I didn't wanna Krampus his style." He falls back laughing at his own pun making his BFFFF forever facepalm at how awful it is.

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