Wrecking the halls

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Beetlejuice was wrestling with the decorations at his place and this was just as worse than picking the tree out. The strings of lights were tangled worse than a several pairs of earbuds jumbled up together in the backpack of a stressed out highschool kid furiously pulling and struggling until he was the one in the mess.
"If only my babes was here to do something."

At the Deetz/Maitland house, Lydia was talking with her e-pal showing her the pictures she took of the Christmas tree and some winter photography she took outside the house. Cassi-b wrote how impressed she is and showed her some of her California photography that showed a what a view from the Hollywood sign looks like along with quality pictures of her at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. "These all look great, have you taken some chilling pictures before?" Lydia asked as she messaged her.

"Babes!" She tuens around seeing the bio exorcist in her mirror. "Beej, what happened and why do you look like you got in a fight with a Christmas tree?"

"I kinda did." He said as his green hair tinted slightly pink. "Need my help?" He yanking at the string of lights around his waist.

"I better go before you make it any worse."
"You're kinda too late on that."
"Worse than it already is."

Shutting the curtains, darkening her room, she takes a deep breath. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!!!"

Once at the Netherworld she finds her demon BFFFF forever in a much more bigger mess. Lydia sighs searching for the loose ends that might help untie him until she spots the plug tied around his ankle. "There we are, just one yank and you'll be free." She pulls hard sending the ghost with the most spinning like a black and white top sending tinsel and loose ornaments flying and breaking.

" She pulls hard sending the ghost with the most spinning like a black and white top sending tinsel and loose ornaments flying and breaking

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"There's two of you babes?"
Lydia ran up to him careful of any sharp broken decorations. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She said holding 3 up to him. "S-six I think." He said shaking his head. "You're not that close and get yourself together." She said helping him up. Blinking once then twice, BJ takes a look at the broken up mess and Christmas tree is thankfully intact and not in flames this time.

"You just gave me a new idea! We're wrecking the halls instead decking them!" Beams the demon grabbing the broken and mangled decorations as he and the gothy teen got to work. "Decapitated Santa," he holds his hand out as Lydia passes him a broken ceramic figurine of a headless Santa Claus, "slightly dismembered snowman," "here you go." "Severed reindeer antler." They stood back at the scene before them after Beej made use of the destroyed decorations and the patched up stockings hanging by the fireplace one with a black, purple and spiderweb pattern and a black and white striped one with "Beejfq" geez, he can't spell let alone sew.

If anything, he looks more proud of himself like a kid showing his parents a cruddy looking piece of macaroni art made in a kindergarten arts and crafts lesson.

"It may look like a disaster zone but it's your holiday disaster zone." Lydia tells him.

"There is one more thing," the ghost with the most spots a mangled star to put on the tree and picks her up by the waist holding the star together and placed it on top of the tree and it tilted to one side. "It's better than nothing." Shrugged green haired demon putting the girl down. "I'm just glad it didn't catch on fire this time."

Beetlejuice Christmas! Christmas!! Christmas!!!Where stories live. Discover now