Holiday Cheats get Beat

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"I'm listening."

Over some holiday treats and hot chocolate Beetlejuice lays down a plan on getting back at Cassidy's cheating boyfriend. "Since he kissed another girl and left you with a shattered heart and a soul torn in half." She nods wanting nothing more than to snap his neck. "What if you and I kissed and we crush his soul! If he actually has one." Her green eyes widen with surprise and total disgust at the very idea.

"Man, I've barely known a thing about you just your name and if I did want to kiss you, it would be better if your breath along with the rest of you didn't smell all like death and had just eaten roadkill." Said Cassidy.

"For the record, I don't eat roadkill only some bugs that are in the carcass." He told her. "Either way, you reek all over and I won't kiss you."

"If you have a better idea then I'm all ears." He said sarcastically. "This is the first time I ever do this and I never got back at a cheating boyfriend before." She grabs her phone and begins to message Drake demanding for an explanation until the demon takes it. "Give it back, you trash gremlin!"

"You dirty cheat! How could you break my heart like that and when Christmas is so very close?! You're a heartless, unfaithful, no-good, good for nothing, two-timing, brainless, pathetic excuse of a boyfriend! I bet you won't show up here especially with the skank you kissed! 🤬 you and have the worst Christmas ever!" He texted and then sent.

Bj placed her cell in her waiting hands and couldn't believe what he just messaged. "That's how you do it, babes."

Lydia walked in spotting her and Beej. "Are the two of you somehow getting along?"
"Hardly, my gothy friend."
"You could say were plotting r-" Cassidy shoves a gingerbread man in his mouth to shut him up. "Regifting! Yes, plotting to regift." She said glaring daggers not wanting to drag her into her problems and not into confronting her boyfriend.

"Really, last time Beetlejuice tried to do regifting was last Christmas when he gave me a literal carnivorous plant he had around his place and it nearly bit my dad's face off." She said to Cassidy.

"If I really told you, you might not understand." She said sadly.
"Cassidy, whatever it is, I'm sure I could make some sense." Lydia said taking an extra cookie.

"Fine, you remembered when I mentioned I have a boyfriend, well, he cheated on me." Cassidy explained everything she told BJ up to the point when he saved her life from drowning and freezing to death under the thin ice.

"That's really awful to hear and I'm guessing he was planning on payback?" She said looking back at the green-haired bio exorcist. "Yep and said that kissing him is part of the plan and I don't wanna kiss him 'cause he smells like something crawled into a dumpy trash heap and died."
"I heard that and I'm already dead, baby."

"I did have the idea of getting Drake to come here and demand for an explanation but your stripey trash gremlin jacked my phone sending a mean text to him."

Her phone went off and it was from Drake. "Should I answer it?"
"Give it over to me."
"And let you screw this over again, no way, Beetle breath!"
"Just read the text!"

Drake: "Cassidy WTAW, Princess?! I never saw you text me something like this?! I wouldn't cheat on you. If you feel this way, we'll come over and I'm packing my stuff as we speak."

Cassidy looked up at Lydia then to BJ and then to the text. "We'll, "We'll?!"
"Maybe he just wants to try out that royal "we" stuff to prove he's a polite guy." BJ said sporting an angel costume. "Baloney! If it's anything I learned from Cheaters-"

"Will you shut up about that stupid TV show!!!" Cassidy snarled and takes a deep breath cooling whatever anger she had left down. "Okay, new plan, when Drake comes here, we'll get him to admit to why he did this."
"And then..." Beej held a comically large black and white striped mallet that would put Harley Quinn's own to shame. "NO!"

He scowled putting the mallet down. "We'll do it your way but if that fails then," he raised the mallet up again. "Your way is just gonna end up turning the snow red with Drske's blood isn't it." Said Lydia. "No! One is painting the snow red with anybody's blood! We're all gonna be civilized and talk this out like adults, teenager, and demon straight from Hell."

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