The Eve of Christmas Eve

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After yesterday's labor scare, Chuck had taken extra precautions for the real deal, a fully packed overnight bag at the front door, doctors and the midwives on speed dial and getting Delia to take it is easy seemed to be not as big of a challenge as she laid back talking to her soon to be born baby girl. "You really gave mommy a scare didn't you, sweetheart. I really can't wait to see you and Lydia is gonna be such a good sister to you."

Cassidy was up with the Maitlands in the attic recounting what had happened and realized what a horrible and toxic person her ex really is and how she realized that she grew to like BJ and Adam cautiously told her to be careful around him and she did see that strong protective dad vibe he has especially when he and Babs are with Lydia when she comes to see them. "Are you still afraid? It's not a bad thing to admit to being scared of having a broken heart again." Barbara said to the strawberry blond. "I am and what if he goes and did what my ex-boyfriend did and is it possible for me to kill a ghost again?"

"Unless you somehow perform an exorcism or throw salt at him then that could be another way. The point is, it's normal to have these fears and you can't let them control you especially now that he has a big thing for you."

Beetlejuice did eavesdropped on them using a Starbuck coffe cup and felt his hair go from green to slightly purple and sort of pink. Is she really that upset and afraid of getting her heart broken again? That won't happen and onve Christmas eve comes. He'll come up with a way to get her to trust that he won't hurt her like that cheat of an ex did to her.

Beetlejuice Christmas! Christmas!! Christmas!!!Where stories live. Discover now