2 loser ghosts and a strange and unusual goth

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Cassidy couldn't keep last night's encounter out of her mind and it was about to drive her insane. "Okay, Lydia spill it." She said setting down her breakfast. "Okay, you got me, Delia ate the last two toaster waffles and smothered peanut butter and bits of turkey bacon on them." The pregnant stepmother eyes at the girls. "I'm eating for two, you know. If Serena wants peanut butter waffles then maybe I'll have some too." Delia said eating her nutty breakfast. Chuck shook his head at the idea of calling his new baby girl Serena it didn't seem like the right click. The strawberry blond sighed. "It's not about the toaster waffles. It's about last night." She said quietly.

"It was bound to happen at some point." The two headed upstairs almost to the attic. "Last night, I heard noise in the kitchen thinking it was your stepmom and then feared it was someone breaking in and found this demon creepazoid B-" she stops herself remembering what he told her last night. "him trying to snack on leftover chow mein at almost 3 in the morning."

Lydia's eyes widen slightly. "I whacked him on the head with a frying pan thinking he was a dirty crackheaded homeless guy with a bad green hair dye job 'cause I probably saw his roots of brown hair breaking and entering the house for food."
"That's Beej for you and he also looks like a bloated zebra that a lion ripped apart and didn't eat 'cause something was obviously wrong with it and then left it out in the hot African sun. But he does have that crackheaded energy all the time." She said to Cassidy.

"If there are more demons in that attic, I'm gonna have a mental breakdown." She said pointing at the door that led upward. "Nope, it's just the Maitlands, the ghost couple that lived her before me. They're dead too." She breathes a sigh of relief glad there aren't any other demons in the house besides BJ. "They're a nice couple you could say they at time would act like my other set of parents."
"They must sound that nice, right?"

She nods knocking on the door and it opens leading into the decorated attic that also accompanied a small potted Christmas tree with presents under it and hung stockings on the garland. "Cassidy, this is Barbara and Adam, the couple who lived here before us." She looks around for the sweet ghost couple until she sees the Maitlands sitting together on the sofa and Adam spots Lydia with her. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland."
"Lydia, she can see us?" Barbara said surprised making the teen nod. "Cassi is also a believer in ghosts and the paranormal."
"Most people don't understand the strange and unusual workings of paranormal activity and we're both strange and unusual in our own different ways." The strawberry blond her the brunette's hand really seeing that the Maitlands do give off that protective parental vibe. Perhaps they wanted kids but didn't get the chance to once they died in their own house before the Deetzes arrived. They did think of her gothy friend as the child they never had but always wanted. She pushes her thoughts to the side not wanting to pry and butt in on what life was for them before they kicked the bucket. Nevertheless, Cassidy grew a liking to the deceased couple and listened to Adam's Christmas tree picking story trying to look and be as polite as she could.

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