Holiday Heartbreak

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Cassidy was in the living room flipping through some channels on TV and began watching Home Alone being one of her favorite Christmas movies and how as a kid wished she could recreate the same booby traps in the movie to protect her house. It didn't take long for her phone to go off. She takes a look and it was from a friend back home.

Valerie: "Cassidy, how's Winter Creek?"
Valerie: "Cass, I don't wanna be a Christmas downer but there is bad news that I wish you didn't have to know."
Valerie: "I was hanging out with one of your brothers and I saw your BF, Drake with another girl."

She raises an eyebrow growing pretty sus. She knew her boyfriend did have other friends who are girls maybe it's one of those friends of his.

Valerie: "Drake was kissing her when your brother and I were watching the Christmas lights. I really didn't wanna tell you this not with Christmas coming in 6 days but he's been cheating on you. I'm really sorry this is happening Cassi 😔"

She couldn't believe what she was reading from her best friend and felt tears well up in her green eyes. Sadness, anger and betrayal were swirling within her like a deadly hurricane ready to leave a path of death and destruction. How could this have happened, she did nothing wrong to get cheated on like this. "Cassidy, is everthing okay in there?" Chuck asks from the kitchen. "Everything's fine, Mr. Deetz, I'm just gonna take a walk in the snow." She said getting up from the couch biting back the tears not wanting to cry and dump her relationship pains on Lydia or her stepfamily or on the Maitlands.

She grabs the crimson trench coat and gloves heading outside of the Deetz/Maitland house walking out into the snowy outdoors and hopefully away from the home. Beetlejuice noticed when he dug out roaches on half a fruitcake. "What's her deal?" He eats it whole and gets to following after her.

Cassidy didn't care where she was going or what'll happen next as she walks across an empty frozen pond that wasn't the same where she and Lydia skated together and the ice, if anything was dangerously thin. "That piece of trash, AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THOUGH!" The pain and fury in her voice echoed in the snowy landscape. "That's all boys ever do, they admit they like you during middle school but then after high school they decide to throw it all away!" She stomped her boot hard and saw the ice crack.

BJ's eyes widen seeing the crack under her feet begin to spiderweb and it's very thin ice she's literally standing on and could drown and freeze to death. Lydia did lose her mom, Emily and this grief will become a thousand times worse if she finds out what became of her e-pal and he runs over to the frozen pond and stretched his arm to reach for her snaking a firm grip around her waist. Before Cassidy could react the ice breaks and in a split second was snatched from the icy water and into a snowbank.

"What is your problem?!" She said glaring at the striped demon. "Gee, thanks for saving me from falling into freezing water." He said sarcastically acknowledging the fact that he just saved her life. The negative feelings that were brewing up a storm subsided slightly. "I didn't notice, I'm sorry. Just going through some things not even you would understand." She said hugging her knees sitting in the powdery snow as some tears escaped her eyes.

"Just lay on here on the ol' couch I made from snow and just talk to me." He said sitting on a lump of snow looking like a therapist with a notepad and pencil with a chaise lounge made of snow and some pine needles. She sighed hoping to get something out of this little "therapy session" with him and begins to spill the beans about the texts and the fact that her best friend and brother witnessed her boyfriend cheating on her.

"That's a lot and very rough. But have you told anyone else other than me just now?" She shook her strawberry blond head. "I didn't wanna weigh down Lydia or the others with this not even on the Maitlands."

"I may not be a shrink but running away and almost being frozen to death is not gonna work. But what I do know is that I watched Cheaters and lemme tell you, catching them in the act is such a feel good feeling and..."

"Beetle-" She bites back at her words and throws a snowball at the bio exorcist's face. "Just get to the point already!"
"Well, my point is that payback was served and revenge is a dish best served with bugs."
"Don't you mean that revenge is a dish best served cold?"
"That too and you should get back at that cheat."

Whatever bitterness Cassidy had was replaced with thirst for payback. "I'm listening."

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