Messages to my E-pal

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Lydia saw a message from Cassi-B that said, "I can't wait to meet you next week, Strange&UnusualGal666 ^_^ I'm counting down the days until then and the days left until Christmas 🎄" She replies looking forward to this meetup and hopefully Beetlejuice would stop being so sus with her e-pal. "Do you still have the address I gave you?"
"I sure do, no way am I staying in a motel with possible disgusting looking motel especially with bad heating during the winter 🤢" Cassi-B responded.

The teen couldn't wait to see her face to face and prove to her demon friend that she is not really some creepy old guy from the internet pretending to be a young adult girl that would try to hurt her.

When baby fever was at an all time high for the Deetzes, her e-pal did help her through revealing that she has 7 younger siblings and that they are all loved by her and her parents. Cassi even told Lydia of the first time she held one of her siblings as newborns and how it was the most wonderful feeling in the world becoming a sister to not one but all seven and being given the opportunity to meet her seventh and youngest sister before she left for Juilliard telling her gothy e-pal of how big of a theater chick she is and does photograpy as her pastime and has a burning passion for the arts with the desire to make her mark in Broadway or as a Hollywood star promising Lydia some glam shots and to mention her in her Academy Awards acceptance speech for if she wins her first Oscar.

It did help push away the doubts Lydia has when it came to the impending arrival of her new step sister and how Delia's guru Otho said it's better to have a drug free and all natural home birth while Charles insisted that Delia should consider having their baby girl born at a hospital.

"Lydia, we're about to Christmas shopping. Be sure to warm up." Delia's voice called out. She sends one more message to her e-pal that she'll talk soon if the gift shopping doesn't go wrong and there is a bit of an escalation of baby fever.

Beetlejuice Christmas! Christmas!! Christmas!!!Where stories live. Discover now