Christmas Eve and a baby

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It's Christmas Eve and everyone's hyped more than usual especially BJ looking forward to waking everyone up tomorrow morning that is if he doesn't get threatened with being a sandworm's next Christmas meal. Cassidy helped Lydia and her step parents in the kitchen and the Maitlands joined as well as treats were baked and some were the very good quality store-bought kind. "Cassidy, you and Lydia look so very nice and festive." Lydia did help put together a gothy yet seasonal look for her using a vintage black and red corseted dress adding some poinsettias and holly for decoration in her hair with a touch of white for the lower hem of the dress. "Thank you, Mrs. Deetz and I learned that vintage dresses should never go out of style." She said twirling around showing off her dark green vintage Christmas dress and Beetlejuice could feel his green hair turn slightly pink looking at her. That gorgeous smile, the dress showing off her figure, she did look like a doll to him. "Do you think you can do a little work with my wardrobe?" Delia said with a wink and then winced a little. "I'll see if I can do something about that." 

Some relatives on Delia's side of the family along with some of Chuck's side as well arrived for the Christmas festivities with presents at hand along with little presents for the baby as well. "Cassidy, these are my cousins." She said introducing her e-pal to two pint sized brunettes eating some Christmas candy. "This one is Piper and this is Samantha. Both are on Delia's side of the family." She knelt down to their level, "It's very nice to meet you both, have you been good for Santa?" Piper smiled eating a candy cane. "I wrote a letter to Sandy Claus and left him brookies. They're brownies with cookies on top of them like s'mores." Cassidy laughed softly with Piper, "Lydia, I didn't know you had such cute cousins." "They can be cute but they are also little troublemakers too." She tells her as she introduced her to more family members in the party while music from the queen of Christmas, Mariah Carey played throughout the house and was cautioned of any more little ones. "Aren't you lucky my dad switched on the Santa tracker for the kids to see where he is?" She nods seeing some adults that are just as eager for Santa to arrive. "You should've seen my Christmas parties back home, last year, my Uncle Gibbs almost set our Christmas tree on fire with a lit cigarette he forgot to put out and it was hilarious seeing my dad dragging the hose from the backyard trying to put the fire out." Cassidy laughs recalling the memory. "So did the tree survive?" Lydia asked. "It did, was a little singed but it did survive and it was just a cigarette. Now if it was close to a fireplace then that is another story." 

Beej's eyes widened at the burning tree story and makes a dash for the Netherworld to his roadhouse to find that his tree is still okay. Slightly scorched from some past accidents but still intact and standing making him breathe a sigh of relief and plucked a mistletoe from top of the door frame and pocketed it heading back to the party and hopefully get a kiss from Cassidy under it.

The girls watch for Delia carefully seeing as the baby could come at anytime just hopefully not in the middle of this Christmas party that would put a damper on the holly jolly good times and speaking of damper...

"My water just broke!" Screeched Delia putting everyone in a frenzy. This time it isn't a false alarm; it's really happening, the baby is coming for real now. "Why can't the baby come when the party's over?! Talk about bad time, baby!" BJ said not being able to get that mistletoe kiss. "Now's not the time, Beetle brains!" Cassidy said irritably as she and Charles help the stepmother gone into labor.

The family took to the cars racing to the hospital hoping to not cause a freak accident in the ice and snow speeding on the roads and Delia cutting off any circulation from Chuck's hand.

Delia was rushed to the delivery where the doctors stopped them and allowed for Charles to come and be with her letting them wait.

Cassidy and Lydia held each other's hands as they wait. "I guess we could read that Christmas poem." Beetlejuice said to the girls fishing out the book The Night Before Christmas from the pockets of his blazer handing it to the strawberry blond to read with Lydia to some of the family members.

Piper and Samantha, Lydia's small cousins sat in front of them as more relatives gathered around them.

"T'was the night before Christmas and all thrpugh the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;"

Lydia and Cassidy read each part of the story and Beej could feel himself growing sleepy and tried to get comfortable after snapping his fingers switching his striped suit for a pair of bug print pajamas but comfort was difficult because hospital seats are very uncomfortable that is just as equivalent to sleeping on a bunch of jagged rocks.

"...away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon, on the breast of the new fallen snow, gave a luster of midday to objects below, when, what to my wondering eyes should appear," Lydia looks up and sees her dad approaching them with a doctor putting an ice pack on his hand, "but my dad with a doctor icing his hand and coming this way!" Cassidy was a bit thrown off looking in the teen's direction.

"She's here."

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