It snows in the Netherworld?!

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Would you believe that there is snow in the Netherworld, well Beej making a fort and a ton of snowballs is enough to answer that question as he throws snowballs at the unsuspecting deceased and got into a full-scale snowball fight with some literal demon kids.

In the land of the living, it did snow and it was almost enough for a snow day but Lydia wasn't having any of it using a heated throw blanket and sipping on hot chocolate messaging her e-pal if their states could switch tempuratures for one day because it is freezing.

"Lydia, 🎵Do you wanna build a snowman?🎵"

She sighed seeing her demon friend with tons of snow all over. "Is this your way of asking me to go for a snow day with you?"
"In a way, and sometimes you just gotta let it go."

"Not today and, it's very cold out and I'm sure you'd like to build a snowman yourself." She said holding the throw blanket around herself more. "I have but these brats I got in a snowball fight are relentless, little savages!"

He then goes to ranting about those kids and getting snow in places where snow shouldn't be in and how taking refuge in the snow fort failed. "You could fight back and,"
"Give them the incentive to never mess with me again and I know just what to do."

Lydia could sworn that she saw little devil horns along with a forked tail with what he meant. Grabbing some extra layers, she goes with him into the snowy Netherworld to make sure he doesn't hurt those kids badly.

She couldn't believe the sight of how snowy it all looks and is ankle deep in the snow. "There they are, babes, those little snow monsters." He said pointing at the "posse" of kids with snowballs as he hair tinted slightly red from how mad he is on being their target.

"Over here, you wuss-bag!" One taunted. "Who are you calling wuss-bag, you little-"
She grabs his blazer to keep him from tearing them to pieces. "If you want them to leave you alone, try it in a not so violent way."

After some moments, Beej had gotten to making a larger snow fort with more snowballs determined to fight back getting Lydia in and handing her snowballs and having snow to the face set him off big time and tosses them. "Eat this, you little creeps!" He said throwing a very big snowball which sent them running. "Boy am I glad that's over, how about some snow cones made from real snow?" He scooped some yellow snow that had some bug stuck in it and gave the gothy teen plain white snow. "I don't think you should eat the yellow snow."
He was already done and biting down on a centipede. "You said something, babes?"
"Nevermind." She said and throws it at the back of his head. "Okay, now you've done it!" The pair did end up having crazy snow day in Netherworld together and the green haired demon was lucky there weren't any sandworms.

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