The Best Christmas Ever

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It's Christmas Day and last night was both very fun but then turned nerve wrecking once Delia went into labor and had the baby and overheard some of Lydia's relatives made bets if Chuck fainted in the delivery room. Both stepmom and baby girl are doing well and got through the night. Since it was so late they all headed out and decided to come back in the morning and that they would do and open their presents at the hospital even though Delia didn't get the home birth she wanted and the labor pains were too much for her and doctors gave her meds to reduce the pain she went through during in the night.

At the Deetz-Maitland house everyone had been asleep and all was quiet until Cassidy felt a shifting weight on her bed as if something or someone was jumping on it. "C'mon wake up, it's Christmas Morning!" She groaned quietly in her sleep slowly opening her eyes seeing Beetlejuice who looked more eager than a kid waking his parents up. "Wake up already, Cass!"
"Geez Louise, I'm up already." She said sitting up with him baring the biggest sharp-toothed grin she ever saw.

"Are Adam and Barbara up already?" She asks him. "They were and Babs wasn't so happy when I started banging a wooden spoon with a pot." She playfully punched at his shoulder. "That's nothing, my brother used an airhorn waking the entire house up last Christmas."

Lydia was starting to wake up and saw BJ and Cassidy heading down the stairs and to the living room for the presents and follows after them. "Didn't I tell you, Santa did come look at all these gifts!" He jumps into them happier than any kid on Christmas Day.

"Sandworm repellant! You know me too well, babes!" BJ said giving Lydia a tight squeezing hug. "Y-yeah and can you maybe not suffocate me." Cassidy picked some presents from the tree. "Be sure to bring some to open with Delia at the Hospital."

The drive to the hospital wasn't as hectic and they met up with Chuck at the door to the room Delia stayed and led the girls in to find the auburn haired stepmother with a tiny newborn baby girl in her arms wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Lydia, say hello to your new baby stepsister."
"Go on now." Cassidy said softly coaxing the teen over. "Make sure you support her head." Her stepmom placed the baby in Lydia's arms. "Did you finally choose a name for her?"

"Delia, can we call her Bella?"

She quietly gasped, Bella, does it sound right? Lydia hands the little newborn back to her. "Let's see how this sounds, welcome to the world, Isabella Serena Deetz." Soft coos came from her as Delia gently rocked her in her arms.

"Lydia, I'm sure you're gonna be a great stepsister towards Bella." Cassidy said smiling at her e-pal.

Delia shares with them about how it's not so bad being at the hospital except for the food being served. Fortunately, Chuck had gotten her something better to eat and the strawberry blond brought out some of the presents from home for them to exchange and open up though the auburn haired woman wished they were at home with the presents under the Christmas tree.

She then felt someone poke at her shoulder and turns around seeing Beetlejuice holding the mistletoe he had taken. She was hesitant at first not just because the Deetzes are there but also at fear of going through the pain of a broken heart again. "I get you're going through some things and felt like you aren't ready to have me for a demon boyfriend and it's cool that we can still be frien-"
He was cut off by Cassidy's rose red lips on his causing his hair to turn bright pink in surprise. "You talk too much and even though you're dead with an unbeating heart, you somehow managed to fix mine that was shattered." She said hugging him.

"You make me feel like I'm hugging a smelly zombie demon teddy bear."
"If it's anything, I feel like I'm hugging a doll-faced cutie." She blushed brightly at him remembering when he called her that the first time.

It may not be easy to have a new stepsister but with the right support especially from your surrogate ghost parents and understanding from your living step-parents, it's certain that Lydia and Bella will connect with each other.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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