Not So Slient Night

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It was late in the night and Cassidy was fast asleep in the guest room until she heard a clattering noise which woke her up. "It must be Miss Delia, Lydia did say that she might have a late night snack." She goes back to sleep and it got a bit louder making it difficult for her to sleep again. "I better head down and help her so she won't try and wake Lydia or her dad up."

The strawberry blond throws on an icy blue robe with white faux fur trims and carefully makes her way downstairs to not wake the stepfamily at the ungodly hour of 2 in the morning almost about to be 3 AM. She follows the noise to its source walking down the stairs as quierly as she can making sure they don't creek under her feet.

"Hello, Mrs. Deetz, are you down here?" She called out softly as she follows the sounds in the kitchen and spots the refrigerator door open. "Who knew pregnancy cravings can happen even in the middle of the night."

"I don't know about pregnancy food but the Chinese food isn't too bad." Said a gruff voice belonging the green haired bio exorcist holding a takeout box and struggling with holding the chopsticks.

Her green eyes widen with fear seeing him thinking that he's a homeless guy who broke into the house. Spotting a frying pan, she hits him hard on the head knocking him out. "What a mess." She cleans up the dropped food and tries to drag him out of the house by the ankle.

"Geez Louise, for a dirty hobo with green hair, he sure eats a lot." She muttered until they got out into the snowy night.

His eyes slowly open getting a glimpse at the girl that whacked him with the frying pan she still has tucked under her arm. She bit back a scream that might wake the whole neighborhood and possibly the netherworld and was about to hit him again until he catches it. "Let go!" She tries to pull it away from him until she fell into a snowdrift.

"I swear to God, if you come near me, I'll call the cops!" Cassidy said sitting up and trying back away from him in the snow.

"Don't bother calling the police on me, they can't exactly arrest a dead guy." All the color drained from her face. He's a dead guy?! But she can see him like she can see Lydia and her stepfamily!

"What do you mean and are you some kind of a crackheaded homeless person 'cause there are shelters for folks like you." Cassidy tells him.

"I know it's a lot to process especially for such a doll-faced cutie like yourself."

'Now I'm dealing with dirty homeless guy who also flirts shamelessly.' Cassidy thought blushing a deep crimson. "I'm actually a demon straight from Hell, a bio exorcist." He tells her. She blinked owlishly, he did have some demon-like features, the lightly pointed ears and sharp fangs.

"We better head in, don't wanna freeze to death out here." He said about to lead her back into the house. Cassidy brandished the frying pan threateningly if he laid his filthy hands on her. "I can do well without this." He said lowering it slightly.

The two sit by the fireplace with Cassidy grabbing a throw blanket from the sofa and wrapping it around herself. "We're out of the cold, now talk."

"Ah, well, I attended Julliard; I'm a graduate of Harvard Business School; I travel quite extensively; I lived through the Black Plague, and had pretty good time during that; I've seen The Exorcist about 167 times and it gets funnier every time I see it! Not to mention the fact you're talking to a dead guy."

She flinched ready to whack him again. "But, I'm not dangerous like those losers say I am unless you want me to be." He snatched the frying pan and puts it aside. "Do you have a name though? Mine's Cassidy, not doll-face." She said holding the throw blanket tighter to herself.

"I do but can't say it, call it a curse."
"See you feels like one. But how about we try charades, so I figure it out."

"Good, let's play it."
"Okay, two words."
"Second word?"
"Okay, first word."
"Close but no."

"Your name's Beetlejuice?!" Cassidy said surprised.
"Your name doesn't sound too bad. But you can say my name 3 times in a row, unspoken, unbroken." BJ tells her.
"Right, I think I'll pass. Also, not cool freaking me out like that, you made me think someone was breaking in the house."

She shrugged the blanket off fixing her robe at her shoulder. "I'm heading back to bed. I better get something out of Lydia about all this in the morning."

"What happened to the chow mein about to chow down on?!"


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