Gift Wrapping 101 for Bio exorcists

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At BJ's Roadhouse, the demon in stripes kicked open the door carrying a whole ton of gifts to wrap for Christmas along with crazily printed and colored wrapping paper, ribbons and bows along with tags to put on plus little stocking stuffers like candy and some trinkets. He thought of how would Lydia go about in wrapping a gift and speaking of Lydia, she had just came back from shopping with Delia and her dad holding her wrapped present in her hands then placed it under her Christmas tree. She called out to Beetlejuice 3 times and found him in her mirror with some Christmas bows on his head and suit. "Hi babes, I bet today was easy for you. It was for me 'cause I bought some presents and I got to wrapping them an-" a flame comes up at one part of his tree and stamps it down to put it out. "Open flame again?" Teased the gothy teenager. "It was a blowtorch I was trying to wrap but I had it on to see if it works and I didn't see it was still on." She sighs having a feeling that this Christmas is about to go up in flames at the Netherworld. "Most of the presents I have already got wrapped at the mall and I'll fill you in on what happened there once I get to your place and help with your gift wrapping."

Arriving at the Netherworld, Lydia made it to the roadhouse. "Door's open, kid!" She walks in finding a mess like a bunch of Santa's elves went on strike and had a riot seeing the amount of wrapping paper, boxes, tags, ribbons and bows at the point she isn't very surprised. "You're here, now we wraps these presents and put them under my tree starting with this blowtorch." He said holding the handheld torch. "You better give it me before you burn the place down." He handed it over making sure it was really switched off. "Any idea on who's it for?" "Yep, it's for a neighbor who doesn't live too far, has a thing for fire." Not wanting to know more, she gets to wrapping the present all while showing Beetlejuice how it works and to not leave a disaster mess like how she saw the gift wrappers at the mall she was at when she went gift shopping. "The key is to make sure don't make the present look like a ball of tape shredded wrapping paper."  

"I even got a present for Barbara and Adam but I'm gonna leave it to you for your tree to give it to them on Christmas so don't peek." She holds at the black and white striped present nodding to that as they got to wrapping the rest of the gifts he had bought along with cosmetics for Miss Argentina.

"This is gonna be the best Christmas, I can feel it." Said BJ wrapping one more present and puts it under the tree and gives the tree a glare seeing no flame ignite.

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