She's here!

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An Uber parks in front of the Deetz/Maitland house as flurries of snow lightly fall and a young lady with honey skin and strawberry blond hair wearing a crimson trench coat looks up at the house then to the address she saved on a star-shaped sticky note. "This must be it." She comes up knocking on the door and brushes off some the snow from her luggage.

"I wonder who that could be?" Lydia answers it seeing it's her e-pal in the flesh. "Cassidy!" The two were so glad to see each other face to face without a small window in their video chats. "Look at you, I bet you've grown a little when we last video chatted." She said walking in and taking her trench coat off revealing a vintage Christmas dress.

Beetlejuice poked his head downstairs and his eyes grew comically large at the sight of Cassidy making the tips of his green hair turn a shade of magenta.

"Your house looks really nicer than in the pictures you shared with me." She tells Lydia as she walks with her taking her gloves off and putting them in her purse. Delia and Chuck take notice of the girl with their daughter. "This my dad, and that's Delia." Cassidy shook their hands introducing herself to them. "You look radiant, Mrs. Deetz." Delia smiled warmly at her, "That's the pregnancy glow, Cassidy I'm glad you noticed."

Once, Lydia got Cassidy to the guest room to settle down and rest from the long trip coming here, she finds the demon anxiously biting down on fruitcake. "Okay Beej what's wrong with you along with the other things that are wrong with you."

"You didn't tell me she had big..." she gives him a glare daring him to finish that. "Eyes, that's it, big pretty looking eyes."
"Real nice save there. So now you see that there's no reason to be all sus with her."

He nods seeing that she was right about her e-pal saying who she says she is. "She can't see me, can't she?"
"Not at the moment so far. She could or couldn't."

Beetlejuice Christmas! Christmas!! Christmas!!!Where stories live. Discover now