Jingle bells Sandworms smell

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Taking some sleigh bells, Beetlejuice shook at some hearing them ring as he goes around the Netherworld. "How do reindeer not get annoyed by all this jingle jangling when pulling Santa's sleigh? I bet they just ignore it."

He was in his own thoughts on reindeer and Christmas, how Lydia is putting up with a pregnant Delia and being sus about her e-pal until he bumped into a slender black and white banded body belonging to a thankfully sleeping sandworm. He bites back at a scream trying to be quiet and not become this sandworm's next meal.

BJ was almost out of the woods and away from the sandworm when he tripped and dropped the bells jingling as they hit the dirt waking it up and it does not look happy at all at the idea of being woken by the striped demon who nervously waved at it and makes a mad dash for it as the their jaws snap trying to catch him.

"I'm not planning to spend Christmas in the belly of a sandworm!" The sleigh bells jingled at a frantic manner and it seemed to stop the agitated creature. Beetlejuice turns around seeing it eye the bells clutched in his hands. He moves it to one side and it follows and then to the other and follows. "Do you like these?"

Out of nowhere the sandworm started thumping its tail on the ground. "I get it! I get! They must really jingle your bells, they kinda jingle mine too."

He climbs on its back with the bells in hand. "Wanna go show Lydia, I'll give them to you, demon's promise."

Jingle bells do soothe the savage beast indeed.

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