Coming Home

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Glory and Deathbringer had been flying nonstop to reach JMA. Kiwi had come too, but the tired dragonet had fallen asleep and was now riding on Deathbringer's back. Glory panted, but not with fatigue. She was terrified of what might have happened to her little dragonet. If Kiwi couldn't make it all the way, what were the chances that Firefly would be able too? Very low. The mountain came into view, and Glory beat her wings harder, dropping into a steep glide and landing atop the mountain with a flourish of her wings. Sunny was waiting on the top of the mountain, looking worried. Glory ran over to her, eyes panicked. "What happened? Is Firefly alright?" Sunny placed her talons on Glory's shoulders. "He's ok. I promise. He's in the medicine cave." Glory's scales turned a horrible white. "Medicine cave?" She shrieked, body racked with concern for her dragonet. She tried to run past Sunny to get to the mountain, but Sunny moved in front of her. "Listen," She said firmly. "Firefly is not there because he is hurt. He's there because someone else is." Glory's scales turned even paler. "Are you talking about..Oh no." She said, pushing past Sunny. "Sunny followed Glory, staying by her side while she told Glory the story of how Firefly flew here and was saved by his sister. "Firefly would be dead if it weren't for Sunburst." Sunny said, a tear slipping down her cheek at Glory's horrible expression. "I want to see my children." Glory said, and Sunny nodded, leading her into a cave packed with bandages and medicines. Several woven mats lay on the large room's floor, only one occupied. Around the room were three dragons. The healer, who was a Sandwing with a small necklace around her neck, a yellow and green Seawing who was laying down with a furious blush all over his face. He had an inkpot, dipping his claw in and writing something on the cave floor. Upon closer inspection, Glory realized it was a sketch of a dragon with spread wings and a happy expression. He had mashed flowers for color, putting just the right amount of shadow in places. Glory recognized the dragon immediately. Sunburst. The other dragon in the room was a small red dragonet. "Firefly!" Glory cried, racing over to her dragonet. Firefly jumped right up and bounded over to her, burrowing into her wings. The Seawing had jumped up, obviously startled. His inkpot had spilled all over his drawing of Sunburst, hiding her in shadow. Glory cradled her son, wrapping him up and never wanting to let go. But when Sunburst said, "Mom?" Glory released her son and went to see her daughter. Sunburst had one wing wrapped in bandages, and her scales were paler than usual. Glory felt a tear slide down her cheek. "Sunburst, what happened?" She asked, concerned. Sunburst smiled, wincing at the movement. "I tried to save Firefly, but two-year old dragonets are heavier than you think." She said. "I couldn't hold him, and I was off balance. Apparently I slammed into the mountainside and broke my wing, and also earned a fair amount of bruises. If it weren't for Seafoam," She indicated to the Seawing, who was smoothing out his drawing with a gentle talon, trying to get some of the ink away. "I wouldn't be here. And neither would Firefly." Sunburst finished. Glory felt herself start fully crying. Sunburst tried to get up to comfort her mother, but fell back down hard. She cursed, earning a stare from her mother through teary eyes. Deathbringer came in, setting Kiwi down and coming over to hug his son and daughter. Sunburst retold the story, and Glory's tears never seemed to stop. Seafoam had come over, the blush gone from his face. He sat down with his tail over his talons, wings folded neatly. "How ya feeling?" He asked gently. Sunburst smiled at him. "Better than I did when I first woke up." She said, and Seafoam began to blush again. "Good." He said. Glory raised an eyebrow at her daughter. Her effect on Seafoam made it obvious. The two were in love. But neither of them knew how to say it to each other. Sunburst spotted her mother looking and just shrugged in a way that said, 'So what?'. Sunny was in the entrance to the Medicine Cave. "Mind if we stay here tonight?" Glory asked, and Sunny nodded. "Of course you can stay! We have extra caves all over. In fact, I think that there's one by Sunbursts winglet cave. Sunburst beamed. "Am I going back there!" Sunny nodded. "We thought it would be unfair to keep you in here." Sunburst beamed brighter.

Hi! I kinda loved this chapter, it was very sentimental sweet. I still cannot believe that  this has more than 400 reads!! Thx so so much! Flappy OUT

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