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We all know that "My Tears Ricochet" is the first song that Taylor wrote and alone on this album and we all know the background story behind the song itself

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We all know that "My Tears Ricochet" is the first song that Taylor wrote and alone on this album and we all know the background story behind the song itself. The vibes of grief and melancholia in this song are something truly sad and beautiful at the same time. It's the kind of grief and pain that must be so deeply sad and painful to encapsulate, capture, and put in a song. It's because it's not just another song, it's a song that resonates with the grief of losing the relationship that was so long-standing that one could even come to love and think that they can love this person until their dying day.

Imagine the grief of losing someone after a long-standing relationship. It's not always about a romantic kind of relationship, it could be anything else. It could be a long-standing relationship that one has had with a friend, a colleague, or a person that one can already call a family and etc., which one can already genuinely think they could trust and come to love.

That's the kind of pain and grief that I wanted to capture in this piece.

With the song, the background, the theme & With the vibes in mind, I was able to write "My Lost Symphonies". I chose the title based on the line (And one of the album covers), "Stolen Lullabies" and youguys already know what Taylor is referring to but – it's not only for that reason. I also chose this title to also describe the symphony or the sound of crying that we can hear along with the grief or pain of losing someone. We can hear the muffled cries, the loud crying, and the tears ricocheting, endlessly streaming down and for some time, there is this time of grief and eventually, we recover from these kinds of emotions and from healing from the pain, eventually and hopefully, there comes the loss of the symphony of crying from melancholia.

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