Part 1

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I looked up at the house, it looked too huge for the three of us, I got shaken out of my train of thought by my dad pushing a box with my name on it into my hands. I smiled a little at my dad before he almost pushed me in the direction of the house, "do try to help Y/N" he grunted and I sighed but nodded.

When I got inside I noticed the house was even bigger than it looked on the outside, I cursed, I would have to stay here most of the time by myself. My parents were in business so they were most of the time just traveling some other places.

I found my way up the stairs and found the second biggest bedroom, the room had a bathroom attached to it and there were some big windows to look outside to the front of the house. I looked out only to see mom talking to three red headed guys, I made my way down stairs to go grab more of my boxes, only to see one of the guys with a box that had my name on it.

I quickly grabbed the box from his hands a small smile on my face, "I can take that, I don't like other's handling my own things" I told the guy and he smiled, "Oj Freddie are you going to help us with this?" another red head stuck his head from behind the moving trunk. Twins I thought to myself as I saw they looked identical, "coming Georgie" the guy in front of me called to his twin before leaving me with the box in my hands.

I went back up the stairs and into my claimed bedroom I put the box down and sighed to myself, "hey, I was told this was supposed to be in here?" the third red head said standing in the doorway into my bedroom holding my desk chair. "Oh thank you, could you put it down over there?" I asked and he nodded before putting the chair down "I'm Percy by the way" he said holding his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand "I'm Y/N" I said and smiled at him, "me and my brothers live in the only other house that's around here if you ever need anything" Percy said as I smiled and nodded "okay thank you" I told him. "Oj Percy what are you doing to the poor girl?" one of the twins asked what I assumed was their older brother, "I was only introducing myself, something I noticed you two forgot to do" Percy told his brothers.

"Oh damn, it seems that Percy is right Georgie" one of them said "your right Freddie" the other said and they both put their hands out for me to shake, "I'm Fred" the more handsome twin said "and I'm George" the other one said. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" I told them and they smiled as I shook their hands smiling.

"Y/N, come on hurry to get the rest of your boxes, your dad and I need to leave for the airport soon and we need you to drive us" I heard my mom's voice boom though the house and I sighed and rolled my eyes a little. "I think it's time for you three to leave but I'll see you later" I told the three guys as the four of us made our ways down stairs to see my impatient mom waiting there.

I said bye to the guys and quickly finished getting all my boxes inside the house and sitting in the drivers seat waiting for my parents to come out to the car again. After waiting for about a minute they came out, my dad sat down in the front seat while mom went into the back seat of the car and I drove away.

The car ride to the airport was quiet, very quiet, it always was like this, nobody talked, there was no music, no radio, no nothing. My parents would be on their phones and then leave after short good bye's at the airport, that's how it always went with them.

When we got to the airport I helped my parents take their luggage out of the car before I watched them leave for their vacation to cheat, I didn't know for sure if they did cheat on each other when they left for business trips but I was very confident in it. Every time they were home they wouldn't speak to each other and when they did it always came out as shouting, then every time they would leave for their business trips they would both come home with new hickeys.

I sighed as I plugged my phone in and set my music on before driving away and going back home.

When I pulled up to the house I saw a chubby man with the same red hair as the guys before constantly ringing our doorbell. I carefully stepped out of the car and approached him before clearing my throat, the man seemed to jump up, "oh hi, you must be Y/N, our new neighbor, I'm Arthur, my wife sent me with some welcoming cookies and to see if our boys had been behaving nicely earlier" Arthur said.

I smiled at Arthur while he handed out the cookies and I took the warm paper plate from him and smelled the cookies, they smelt delicious and I instantly got some water into my mouth. "Oh, your sons were very nice, they introduced them self's and all" I told him and he smiled kindly at me.

"Do you mind if I ask which of my sons it were that came over? you see I have six boys and one girl" Arthur said and I almost dropped the plate of cookies, seven children ,that's a lot, I thought but quickly gathered my thoughts. "It were Percy, Fred and George" I told him and now it was his turn to be surprised, "Fred and George were behaving?" Arthur asked and I nodded, "yes" I told him and smiled.

"Oh where are my manners, do you want to come in?" I asked him but he shook his head "no thank you, my wife will be mad if I'm not home soon, it's almost dinner time" he told me and I smiled and nodded understanding him.

That evening I unpacked my cloths and a bit of the kitchen and my essentials, after being unpacking for a couple of minutes I went to check on my bed, although when I turned to look at it, it was all in pieces. I sighed, I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, I told myself before taking one of my comfortable blankets down and a pillow.

I ordered a pizza and ate on the couch while watching some Netflix and falling asleep.

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