Chapter 1: "Normal Paris Life..."

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First of all, 1, I do not own anything relating to the (original) Sly Cooper Universe and it's characters. But I do own Royce and any plot that I come up with. Now, onto the story.

Royce: "Great, back here in Paris! No more time-traveling, blood-thirsty guards and DEFINITELY no more crazy-cat business! What was that Cat's name? Ashla? Yeah, no more! But then there was that Fox... I never got her name... well, at least there's the 'Normal' part... returning home. Back to my apartment... in well... a Sly Cooper universe, I guess..."

Meanwhile, back at Royce's Apartment.

Royce then begins to hear knocking as soon as he was about to settle down. So he lays his stuff down and answers the door.

Royce: "Hello? Who's there? Identify yourself!" Royce said to the mysterious voice as he was a bit paranoid from his time-traveling shenanigans and "time-exhaustion".

??: "This is Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox of Interpol, is this Royce DeBarry," she then looks at her papers, "uh, human?"

Royce: "Do you have a Search Warrant? Cause you're not coming in without one!"

Carmelita: "Royce, I assume you that I'm not here for any arrests, let alone seizing. I DO know this: we last saw each other In Ancient Arabia."

Royce: "I don't even know a 'Ms.Fox'! Why should I trust you?"

Carmelita: "Trust me, you'll remember. Just open the door."

As a result Royce opens the door only to meet the Fox that he met during his accidental time-travel slip.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now