17 » her golden memory

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"You broke my skin, and seeped into my soul."

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"This should explain your cash and car," Sunoo muttered, his voice highly amused as his eyes bored into the property files.

Sunghoon kept quiet, letting the latter scan the white sheet of paper which was clutched in his pale hand.
Sunoo nodded momentarily, pressing the paper back onto the table, "We can get the land back, easily. Leave it on me. I've seen loads of cases like this."

A sigh of relief erupted from Sunghoon's mouth as he picked up the sheet, sliding it inside a maroon folder, among dozen other paperworks kept inside for company.

Silence took over the two male, before Sunoo decided to hammer it down.

"What's up with that Jaehyun guy?" He asked out of the blue, making Sunghoon snap his gaze immediately towards the older, "What? He's a popular talk these days." Sunoo shrugged it off casually.

"My best friend, and apparently Areum's boyfriend," Sunghoon started, a voiceover added between his tone, "Who is apparently also cheating on her." He added bitterly.

Sunoo could just recognise the hurt laced in between Sunghoon's voice, a burst of sadness erupting within himself. He was the only one who knew how hard it all was for Sunghoon.

Sunoo could only imagine the pain Sunghoon was going through, he himself witnessing the pang of rejection daily, whenever he would see Suah with someone else.

"Sunghoon," Sunoo spoke up, "You've waited for too long. This is your chance, grab it, brother." He said as Sunghoon closed his eyes momentarily, soaking in the words darted at him.

"Take her before it's too long and she is someone else's."


"Stay here, Sunghoon." His mom told him as she made him sit over one of the benches. He nodded slowly, biting onto his lip as his mom pecked his forehead, before leaving him to himself for a while.

He let his legs dangle over the seat, swinging them back and forth as his round eyes wandered around the small dental clinic.

He was starting to get bored, having done anything and everything possible while sitting at one place. His mom told him not to wander around.

"Areum, don't run!" A man's voice attracted his attention as he shot his head towards the door, from where the source of sound had come from.

The door swung open very slowly, revealing a small girl. She had a wide smile over her face, her hair set down till her shoulders, secured in place with a blue headband, matching with her frilly top.

A man ran behind his 8 year old, as he bent down to her level. He muttered something to her, as the smile over her lips gradually faded to now form a small pout.

The man patted the girl's back before he fixed the strands of her hair, beckoning her to sit next to Sunghoon.

She nodded slowly, hopping her way towards the boy. The two sat there in silence, watching their legs swing together over the metal chairs.

She giggled as Sunghoon's leg collided with hers. It was fun for them as they lightly kicked each other's shins. Sunghoon was trying not to smile as he watched Areum laugh the life out of herself. It was all too funny for her.

Eventually she got tired, as she laid herself back in the chair, heaving a sigh, "I'm Byun Areum," She extended her hand forward for a shake, "And you are?"

He licked his dry lips, grasping her little palm, "Call me Hoon." His mother told him to not to talk with strangers, yet here he was.

"Hoon?" She giggled, "That's a funny name."

Sunghoon sighed, shaking his head, "It's obviously not my real name." He mumbled.

"It's cute anyways," Areum nodded at him.

"How old are you?" Sunghoon asked as she pondered upon the question, using her fingers as she counted.

"Eight." She raised eight fingers up in the air, "You?"

"Nine," He said, watching her raise her one more finger to make it a nine.

Something caught Areum's attention as she pointed over his hand, "Why do you have a sad face drawn on your hand?" She asked as she bent forward to examine it.

Sunghoon looked down at his own hand, where using his dad's pen he had drawn a frowning face, "That's because my classmates claim that I'm always sad," He shrugged casually, "And well, unlikeable. I've started thinking it's true."

"You should be happy," She said as she reached forward to grab his hand, "Not for others to like you, but for you to like yourself." She beamed as she rubbed her thumb over the gel pen tattoo, trying to erase it off.

Sunghoon was shocked for a moment, to hear those words come out of an eight year old girl.

"They think I'm a morose." He quietly mumbled as she was running her thumb over the supple skin of his hand, removing the inked mark.

"I don't think so," She said, "I think you're a pretty likable person. I would want to be friends with someone like you." She smiled as she saw the drawn frown now replaced by a plain black splotch over his pale fair skin.

"Really?" He asked as she nodded brightly, letting go of his arm.

"Find something that truly makes you happy. My father said that it's us who let others affect us."

She said simple words, words that were of no value for most of the people. But they felt so nice, so warm as she said them aloud to him. No one had said anything like that to Sunghoon. He was not used to the warmth of love by a friend.

Even if she was a complete stranger, there was a bubbly, happy aura around her, contrasting to his darker, gloomy one.

"Areum, let's go my child." Her father called as she hopped off from the chair, waving goodbyes to him.

"It was nice meeting you, Hoon. I hope we meet again sometime," She waved as he waved back at her, watching her run towards her father a moment later.

"I hope to meet again too, Areum." He whispered back with a small smile.

Even if it was for a few minutes, the girl had left an ever-lasting imprint on Sunghoon mind. Even if it was for a few moments that she was with him, it felt cold when she left.

It was with her he had felt something new for the first time. Something warm.

-End Of Flashback-

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