thirty seven

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"Jisung! Yah!" I shouted down the end of the phone.

"How did you escape from that car?!" I felt like I was bombarding him with questions then I heard his sly little chuckle.
"Because I'm clever, you know that."

"Let me guess your friends helped you out?"

"Pfff Whatt?" He paused a little "Fine, yes maybe."

I laughed a little then I remembered what I was originally calling him for.
"Anyways, I need you to get to where I am, like as soon as you can. It's important. You can bring all your friends too, I'm sure they will be of good help too."

"Why does this feel like some cool mafia thing."

I sighed.
"Jisung I will send you my location. And just remember this isn't all just a big game."

"Yeahh Yeahh, don't worry sis, I'm more mature now than you think."

My mouth was subconsciously smiling, and I already knew he had matured now but I couldn't help still be protective of him. Since our father used to abuse us and killed our mother then himself, I have always felt the need to take the mother role in our family.

"Okays haha see you in a bit."

I hung up on him, placing the phone Ten had just lent me in my back pocket. When Ten also came back into the room I chuckled at him.
"I wouldn't have thought I would be needing another new phone in the space of a month."

His face lit up and I was still shocked he had survived that bullet wound.
He was lucky.

"You can keep that one for now and then we will get you another after this is all over."

I saw him limping still and he waved to me.
"I rang Kun and he said WayV will meet us here too, I'm going to go lay down though as my wound is still killing me."

That was understandable.
"Okay thanks Ten, be careful." I called after him seeing him struggling to get down the corridor.

"Did you want something to eat?" I heard a sudden voice again and I saw Haechan standing there with the wheelchair I had requested.

My eyes immediately lit up and I slowly pushed myself forward collapsing on the seat.
"Thank youu, this is great!"

He smiled at me and I remembered his other question he asked.
"Yes please, I am quite hungry."

We suddenly started to move as I felt Haechan pushing the wheelchair forward through the narrow hallways.
"Has Yuta woke up?" I asked him and he shook his head.
"Not yet, but he should do in the next few hours, Lucas knocked him out really harshly."

I felt sorry for him, Yuta was actually really nice.

"I can't wait for everything to get back to normal." I muttered and Haechan hummed as we kept moving forward.

"I guess, but if I'm honest, now you're a part of this, you will always be a part of this, there is no escaping really... ever."

He did have a point. Almost all my friends and family were all in a mafia. Even my younger brother was probably going to get in one soon.
Things would most likely never get back to normal.

"What would you like to eat then?" Haechan asked as we reached the kitchen and I sighed. I wasn't going to get a substantial meal in a long time.

"Have you just got some pasta; I will cook myself some of that."

"Yeah okay, we have some pasta."
He left the wheelchair and opened a cupboard door pouring the pasta in the pan.
"I will do it for you though, I don't want you hurting yourself."

He was so sweet...
"Thanks Haechan."
I felt currently helpless as I just watched him preparing the pan and boiling the water.

"How long have you known Ten?" He asked me which caused me to smile thinking about my childhood again.

"Since I was around 5, we met in school, but he has always been there for me. Then I met Kun about 6 years later."

"It must be nice to still be close with them, I have lost touch with all my friends from school."

"Yeah, I agree." I stated as I gave him a sympathetic look.
"At least you have new friends now."

He chuckled as he now tipped the pasta into the water.
"Yes, I guess so."

He set a timer for the pasta and he briefly left the room to check on Yuta.
I pulled out the phone Ten gave me and I saw that he had recently factory reset it as there was nothing on here, it was as if it was brand new.

I could personalise it later.

The door opened again, and I saw Yuta holding his head and squinting his eyes.
"Agh Yuta you're finally up. How do you feel?"

"Like sh**" he said bluntly but he soon smiled.

"Yeah... Lucas did hit you hard apparently. Are you going to have some food too?"

"Maybe what are you cooking?"

"Well, Haechan is making me some pasta."

Haechan walked back into the kitchen and he turned the heat off the pasta.
"You both can have some of this, then WayV should be here by then, and your brother?"

I nodded and moved my wheelchair, so it was sitting at the table.
"I hope it is edible." Yuta mumbled and I sniggered.

"It will, I'm sure. Thanks, Haechan."

"Is Taeil still unconscious too?" Yuta asked him and he just nodded.
"You guys were literally gone like flies. He better wake up soon because we will be leaving for Taeyong soon."

I took a bite of the pasta and i quickly ate more of it, the taste was amazing.
"WayV are here." I heard Ten shout from outside the room. He must have gotten up again.
"Now we can finally track down Taeyong."



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