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Police sirens.

Fuck, she was hoping the blaring and the continuous sound was emitting from an ambulance which just happened to pass by the street ground. But no, much to her fucking luck, the ambulance had to morph into a police car, the wail of the siren had to turn into a sound of alert and some policeman in their duty uniforms just had to appear in that underground.

Keyara hurried to scramble herself off of the dusty and cracked seat she was sitting on and skillfully jumped over the wall that reached up her chest. With a tilt of her head, she looked behind her. Officers with guns and tasers welcomed themselves through the narrow pathway, increasing the frantic screams and wails from the insiders.

Keyara's heart literally came up to her mouth when a tall and fierce-looking policewoman turned and looked right into her direction. She froze, swallowing hard. The policewoman was so tall, over 6 feet and Keyara knew she was dead if she was caught.

The tall woman immediately pointed at her with a deadly expression and yelled over from the other side of the ground, "You! Hands on the air and knees on the ground!"

Keyara paused, herself not knowing what to do. She was caught verbally, not physically. That meant she still has a chance to escape.

But to purposely trap the officer, she raised her hands and pretended like she was going to kneel, but the bend of her knees just helped her to fasten her starting line as she turned and charged out of there.

"Hey, stop right there! Go catch her, what are you looking at?!" Keyara did heard the furious voice, yet never made any move to listen to her orders.

Instead, she smirked to herself and grabbed her bag sling bag from the barrel where she had left it and slung it tightly around her so halfway evading from the cops wouldn't have her loosing it. She reached the all so familiar tall wall. The narrow window at the top part was what she loved about it. For a very small person like her, it wouldn't be a problem for her to slip through it.

Thanking whoever arranged those boxes against the wall - which she rarely does, she stepped up them and she twisted her body sideways, letting herself out of the ground, ignoring the warning and protest the officers were shouting at her.

Seriously, why would they yell at the evaders to stop? That what evaders do, they run, not stop unless someone catch them.

Her plan to escape went on a total different route when the front of a police car blocked the only way she used to get through. She hissed and carefully jumped over the hood of the car, sliding over to the other side and regained her balance once her feet reached the ground. Then she started running once again, leaving another bunch of cops to chase behind her.

The adrenaline rushed through her veins like the sirens zapped through her. It made her run faster, but she couldn't be faster than a motorcycle.

As she ran, the two-wheels vehicle rode next to her, matching her pace. She noticed the person driving that machine and gritted her teeth, just in time dodging past a startled older couple.

The running teenager and the chasing officer did attracted some passers by, but none of them cared. She meant, who wouldn't look at this kind of scene where a cop is chasing a running teen? Sure, that was interesting, but to the persons who were involved in it, like Keyara who was trying her best not to get caught and the officer who was trying to not get hurt by catching that kid only knew how it feels.

"Keyara, you need to stop!" Officer Chris Blythe yelled from his bike, flickering his eyes back and forth to Keyara and to the road. He didn't want an accident to occur because of a seventeen-year-old kid. And he didn't want to die chasing her. "Come on- Keyara!"

She ignored him and quickly changed the direction of her feet to a dark and lonely road between two slots. The path was small and dark, it was so tiny that even her footfalls reverberated into her own ears.

The officer cursed and groaned at the stubborn kid and did a quick turn to park his bike. He didn't have the chance to park it, however, and just dropped it on the road before he started chasing her. No, he couldn't lose this kid today. He was determined to give her an earful.

Upon hearing the swift yet heavy footsteps behind her, Keyara tried to run faster, fast enough to escape from the annoying man. But she couldn't. She couldn't escape from him like she did from the last couple of years, not today.

It wasn't just her day. This wasn't her fucking day.

Her frustration and added up irritation because of the dead end were literally mocking her, which also made her want to kick the bent and oddly-shaped garbage bin nearby but the nearing footsteps had her going against it.

Her jaw clenched as she quickly and silently jogged behind the bin and hid into a cubicle-like place. She didn't give two fucks about where she was, she just needed to escape that stupid officer.

"Damn it," Keyara cursed under her breath, the momentum of her breathing was increasing second by second. She couldn't even stand up straight from her crouching position. It was a small cubicle she had unwillingly squeezed herself into, a very small cubicle she was certain that even a normal sized Golden Retriever couldn't fit in here.

She was still surprised she could enter here.

Keyara slowly looked down at her torn shoes that barely helped her to protect her feet, the toe caps of her shoes were peeled out and had some holes in them. Her pair of light green converse were also lacking shoelaces, but she wasn't expecting a lace since she found it at the recycle bin.

But her shoes didn't bother her one a bit. Surely, she had used them for a couple of years, earned some stares from those judgemental peoples whenever she walked with it, so of course she knew how to deal with it.

Her eyes went past her shoes and fell on the disgusting, yellowish substances she was stepping on. The miasma of stale whatever it was hung around her like a marsh gas. She even had to pinch her nose - it stank that bad.

She soon realized it wasn't the best place to hide in when her eyes literally popped out of her socket as it fell on the board nearby, right adjacent to her face.

The most wonderful place to take a leak.

Yeah, but not the most wonderful place to hide at.

She looked down again, now shifting of her own feet uncomfortably. The cubicle didn't even have a manhole, which increased the leak of everyone who took a piss here. It almost reached the mid part of her shoes, so she stepped up to her toes and almost gagged when it splashed on her hand.

Quickly rubbing her hand on her wrinkled flannel that seriously needed to be washed and iron, she tried to peek up from the wall. But luck really wasn't on her side today.

Because there stood the 6' 1'' man, a good ten feet away from where she was hiding, his hands sternly on his hips. Beads of rolling sweats broke from his forehead as she watched him wiping it off with the back of his hand.

He blew out some air and breathed out, panting. Irritated, Keyara glared at him and panted as well. She was out of breath for running two blocks away from the ground. He used fucking two wheels to reach here and now acting like he had ran a marathon.

An officer he was.

"Better luck next time, kid."

An asshole kind of officer, that was what he was.

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