Chapter 1: Nightmare

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    Once he closed his eyes, he was out for the count. But his peaceful sleep didn't last for long...

    Michelangelo sat chained against the wall, badly injured after a fight. He was covered in bruises and cuts, but not hurt enough to quit. The cell door then opened and in walked Shredder, his menacing armor clanking with each step. Mikey steeled himself to not be scared, but fear was still present in his eyes, which Shredder took notice of. "I see that you have finally decided to tell me where Hamato Yoshi is," he said.

    Mikey scowled despite his fear. "Not on your life," he snapped.

    Shredder growled and struck the turtle with his galent claws, sending him flying into the wall. "Tell me where your master is, turtle," he said. "Or else I'll take away what you love most."

    He snapped his fingers at that point, and two of his footbots appeared, dragging behind them a heavily battered and injured Raphael, whom they threw onto the floor. Mikey's eyes widened at the sight of his brother, his hero. All the red banded turtle could do was shake his head at Mikey, which could mean one thing-don't tell him. The orange banded turtle didn't say anything, however. But after a few moments, he still refused.

    By now, Shredder was losing his patience. He stepped towards Raph, and before Mikey knew what was happening, the villain had picked the tough turtle up by the throat and had note lifted him into the air, beginning to choke him. "Where's your pathetic sensei?" he asked, more like demanded. "If you cam manage to tell me where he is, I might even think about sparring your brother here."

    Now Mikey was truly scared, his brave demeanor gone. He didn't want to tell Shredder where Master Splinter was, but at the same time, he couldn't bear the thought of seeing Raph slowly die in front of him. Shredder squeezed Raph's throat tighter, bringing Mikey back to reality. Finally, despite Raph begging with his eyes not to, Mikey relented. "Fine. I'll tell you," he said. "He's in the sewers. Now would you please let Raph go?"

    Shredder grinned underneath his helmet, satisfied at the information. "Very well," he said as he dropped a wheezing and coughing Raph to the ground.

    But suddenly, Shredder quickly moved to Mikey. "You have outlived your usefulness," he said, unseething his claws from his gaulent. "And for that, you will die." He raised the weapon high, ready for the kill. Mikey closed his eyes as he heard someone call out his name, bracing himself for the fatal blow that was to come.

    But it didn't happen. Mikey heard the sounds of metal piercing flesh and a painful-sounding grunt. Something warm splashed right onto his plastron. Opening his eyes, he glanced down at his plastron-only to see blood splattered on it. But it wasn't his. Slowly looking upwards, his eyes widened at the sight-somehow, a ninja had managed to get in front of him in time and took the blow himself, the Shredder's claws clearly sticking out the back of his shell. And that ninja wasn't just someone. It was Raphael.

    Shredder laughed as he retracted his claws, sending Raph tumbling to the ground as he left. With strength he never knew he had, Mikey broke his chains and ran to his brother. "Raph!" he cried, kneeling down beside him. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't have a choice! Please don't leave me!"

    Raph didn't say anything. He just looked at Mikey with compassion and forgiveness in his eyes. With the last of his strength, he reached out and slowly pulled his youngest brother into a hug before he passed away. Mikey screamed and cried as he laid his head on Raph's chest, not paying attention when Shredder appeared again and unsheathed his gaulent claws and struck him in return...

    At that point, Mikey's eyes snapped open as he let out a scream while quickly sitting up. Looking around him, he saw to his relief that he was in his room in the lair, but his dream felt so real. Sighing, tears gathered in his eyes as he got out of bed and tiptoed out the hall to Raph's room. Opening the door, he peeked in to see the hot-tempered turtle spread out on his bed, snoring lightly. As he got closer, Mikey saw his chest rise and fall, indicating that he was alive. Relieved with that result, Mikey turned to go when he heard Raph stir. Despite him being quiet, his ninja sense had caused him to overhear everything.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now