Part 9: I've Made My Decision

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Part 9: I've Made My Decision


His eyes held so many emotions at once. I don't know if he even knew what he was feeling at the moment. I wanted to say so many things to Heath, but, before I could, I have to get us out of here. My hands fumble with the rope keeping him tied to the chair. I quickly untie it. 

I pull Heath out of the chair, and I drag him out of the room.

"Hurry," I whisper as I lead him into the employees room. 

Heath follows behind me silently. I can feel his eyes watching my every move. His hand shook, and I took it in mine to make sure he stays by my side. 

There is one person in the employees room, and my heart drops. 

Jerry turns around to see who entered the room, and his eyes land on Heath and I. Jerry tilts his head. "Rose?"

I put on a smile and shield Heath as much from view as possible. "Jerry!" I sing awkwardly. 

I can see the puzzle fitting together in his head. Jerry crosses his arms. "What are you doing in this facility? Especially by bringing a villain in here."

I take a deep breath. My hands shake as I sense the electricity flow to my palms. "Jerry, I'm sorry to do this."

Jerry's eyes widen as I lift my hands up to use my power. His hands fly to his communication device, but my electricity is already flying at him. His body shakes and then falls limp to the floor. 

I walk over to Jerry, and I steal the key ring off of his belt loop. "I'm so sorry, Jerry."

I tug Heath's hand. "C'mon, through the fire escape." I lead him through the door, and we dash down the stairs. As we exit the building, I run to my car.

I shuffle through my pockets and grab my keys. I unlock the doors and sit Heath in the back seat before throwing myself into the front. I lock the doors immediately.

The engine rumbles as I turn the key into the ignition. I pull out of the parking lot and speed down the street. No one knows Heath is gone yet. The association won't be sending anyone after us for awhile.

Still, my heart is racing.

I see Heath messing with the cuffs on his hands.

"I wouldn't mess with them, if I were you. They won't come off." I keep my eyes on the road, but I glance back at Heath ever so often.

Heath wears a harsh gaze as he continues to pull at the handcuffs.

"Where are we going, City?"

"Away," I respond. My voice is absent from myself. I seem to be stuck in my head.

"Where's away?" he asks in annoyance.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not sure yet. Trust me, okay?"

Heath slumps in his seat, his teeth gritted. I turn the car on the way to my apartment.

"I don't trust you."

I glance back at him. His posture is of a child arguing with his mother on whether they should buy takeout. His actions are almost humorous in the circumstances. Almost.

I take a deep breath and attempt to catch his eyes in the backup mirror. "And I don't trust you, but we have to work together, if we want to live."

I focus back on the road, until I hear Heath laugh under his breath. "City, you need to learn to lighten up."

I scoff, and I pull into my apartment's parking lot. I jump out of the car and open Heath's door.

I stand in the way of him getting out. He watches me carefully.

"If you run away, I will not hesitate to come after you."

"Yeah, but you also have to catch me."

I grin. "I've done it once, and I'll do it again."

I go to my apartment. Heath follows close behind glancing oddly at the halls.  I open the door to my apartment, and Miko comes running to the door meowing to me about his day.

"I know, Miko, baby. I know," I console him. I pick the gray cat up and cuddle him in my arms for a second. He purrs in content. If only he knew the trouble I was in.

"Heath, stay with Miko while I gather necessities. Then, we'll dissappear from the association's grid."

I rush to my room and grab the duffel bag from under my bed. The duffel bag has blue flowers on it, faded from use. I remember my mother got for me when I was younger.

I also grab another small bag that I will fill with more often necessities. I grab clothes and shower items. I also grab a set of toothbrushes from under the cabinet along with my daily necessities.

I run to the kitchen and grab boxes of non-perishables and canned foods. I grab my stash of money savings from the junk drawer.  I also grab Miko's cat food. Lastly, I pack my first aid kit.

I run the duffel bag to Heath, who I find looking perplexed on the sofa while looking at Miko. I hold back a chuckle as Miko runs his head against Heath's chin.

When Heath notices me, I hand him the duffel bag. "Take this. I'll be right back."

I rush back to my room. I pull my two favorite blankets off my bed along with two pillows. I grab the smaller bag I packed as well. I head back to the living room.

"Okay, grab Miko and the bag, and bring them to my car. We need to get out of here."

Heath nods to me and picks up the cat. I wonder how he remembers that Miko was the cat. Lucky guess, probably.

We rush down to my car. I stuff the blankets, bags, and Miko into the back. Heath instincts goes to the passenger side, and I get in the driver's seat.

I let out a breath. My heart's incessant beating didn't cease from the time we left the association. If I did this, I would be making the biggest decision of my life. I looked at Heath, and he looked at me. I nodded to him. I took the keys and started the car.

I've made my decision.

A/n: Hello, hello! I know some of yall have been awaiting the next chapter. I really don't have much to say, but I hope you like this update.

Please vote on the chapter if you enjoyed it, and let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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