Part 27: Dude We're Getting the Band Back Together!

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Part 27: Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together!

(Third Person POV)

Heath looked at the door where the girl he used to loathe walked through. His heart hurt seeing her walk away from him, his feeling for her burning in his chest. He looked to the dead healer on the floor, the one who had helped them.

He didn't know her name. Honestly, he didn't want to know. As sick as it sounded, he couldn't be attached to any more lives. He needed to focus on what Rose had told him.

Heath looked to the door, tried the handle, and found it unlocked. He swore a thanks under breath as he headed out into the hallway. His footsteps were quiet but quick. He couldn't waste time.

He headed straight to where Rose told him he would find Aaron. He found himself in front of a steel door, an identification sensor as the lock. Heath cursed.

He had to get Aaron out.

He stumbled back down the hallways looking for anyone, anyone at all.

Ed had been put in charge of the sectors security. After proving his loyalty to Arden, his position was set in the association. Finally, he would be accepted and stable.

That thought brought a smile to his face only to be wiped off when he turned the corner. Ed was face to face with Heath.

Heath's eyes narrowed on instinct. His anger rising at one look at Ed.

"Well if it isn't the dirty little traitor," Heath growled.

Ed glared back, but it didn't last. His head was overcome with water.

Heath's power flowed from his hands encasing Ed's head in water. Ed choked on the water, and he dropped to the floor. The average human has around forty seconds before they drown and die, even less for minors. Heath had to make sure Ed stayed alive.

He knew Ed betrayed them all, but he also knew Rose would be devastating, if he was killed. Heath wasn't sure if Rose would be able to handle anymore death.

Heath smiled for a second allowing himself to enjoy torturing the guy who hurt his Rose.

Retracting his power, the water fell from its mold around Ed's head. Ed collapsed, coughing up water from his lungs.

"Now, listen here. You are going to give me your ID card and then you are going to follow me to the prison cell that I will lock you in," Heath spoke swiftly and smoothly.

Ed continued to cough and nodded between coughs.

"Stand up."

Ed struggled to reach his feet, but Heath pulled him the rest of the way up. Ed held out his ID card, which Heath ripped from his grasp.

"I would say thank you, but you don't deserve that."

Heath remade the water mold around Ed's head. Ed struggled against Heath's hold as he dragged Ed over to the steel door where Aaron was being held.

As soon as Heath unlocked the door and opened it, he released the water from Ed's head. Ed gasped for air once again. Heath almost laughed that the kid would feel an ounce of pain he felt in the time he was captured here.

Ed struggled for air and clutched his chest. He couldn't let Heath lock him up. He couldn't risk the chance of Arden's plan being stopped. He quickly shut down Heath's mind before he could anything else.

Heath fell to the floor, his knees buckling as his mind lost consciousness. Aaron being released from the open door caught Heath before he hit his head.

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