Part 21: Change of Plans

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Part 21: Change of Plans


People were talking about the broadcast. Not just talking, but really talking. A crowd of protesters stood outside the association that morning demanding to see for themselves what they saw on our broadcast.

I sat on the couch with Ed. My legs layed across his lap as I munched on some cheese and crackers, and he drummed his fingers against the armrest.

It had been two days since our broadcast, and things still hadn't settled down. I wonder whether my parents saw the broadcast. I wonder if they knew their own daughter was the one speaking.

The front door clicked and opened. Luna, the white pit bull I'd now come accustomed to, poured over to the door almost knocking Aaron off his feet. His eyes showed surprised, and he laughed while finding his balance.

Aaron had seem the most at ease with all the things that have been happening. I can't tell whether he isn't affected by everything, or if he is really good at hiding his emotions.

Aaron carries a large brown bag filled to the brim with things from the dollar store. He sits the bag down on the table and starts to take out different food items and storing them into their respective spots in the kitchen. I note that he bought mostly microwaved dinners, and I wonder when was the last time he cooked an homemade recipe.

After all the food is put up, Aaron walks back to us and scratches his neck as he looks into the brown bag.

"So, um, I know y'all don't have a bunch of clothes to change into, so I got us all a matching pair of clothes in case we needed them." Aaron let's out a cough of embarrassment, but I smile.

I had been wearing the same three pairs of clothes for way too long. I look into the bag and pull out four sets of black pants and shirts. I search through and find the female set and put it aside for me. As I see the four sets, I wonder my mind to Heath.

I had been pushing the thought of him to the back of my mind these past few days to focus on getting word out about the association, but now that we had the broadcast done, he filled my mind with every passing second. I worried for him, and what might be happening to him.

I quick shiver runs through me, before I look back up to Aaron. My smile is more fake than before.

I express my thanks to Aaron, and Ed does the same. We set the clothes aside, and the overwhelming thought of Heath pushes against my mind.

I shake my head, a frown forming on my face. I wince at the slight pain left from my power usage.

"We need a new plan," I say.

Aaron and Ed turn their heads to me at my strange statement.

"Heath is still stuck in the association, along with so many others that would be ready to go against the association with us.

We need to break them out, but we need some help. Can we get another broadcast out?"

Ed looks to Aaron. "We still have some of the more gruesome pictures that we didn't put on the last broadcast."

"And we could disguise the call for help with the broadcast seeming like last time, but this time a phone number displayed on the bottom of the screen," Aaron half mutters, half suggests.

I nod. "We'll need as much inside help from the association as we can get. Ed, do you know some people from your department that would help us out?"

"I would hope so, as long as they don't rat us out."

We all discuss further plans, and we separate to work on our individual parts of the broadcast. I smile to myself.


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