Part 15: The Mole

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Part 15: The Mole


"Why do we need to stop the government?"

We all sit in Aaron's basement. The dim light that hangs above his computers is the only source of light, and I am getting worried that something is nibbling on my shoe. Aaron sits at his arrangement of computer screens and parts, typing away doing who knows what. Heath sits backwards on a kitchen chair while running his hands through his hair. I sit on the other side of Aaron, and I pick my feet up into the chair, because I am sure there was a rat chewing on my shoe.

"The government is developing a way to steal powers from people, and they are brainwashing anyone who tries to stop them," I say picking up a pen of the desk and twirling it around my finger.

Aaron chuckles and continues typing. "Well, isn't that fun? How do we stop them?"

I raise my eyebrows. "We need to tell the city about it. People need to know, so we can then get them to help us."

Aaron nods. I look over at Heath and see him looking at the computer screen with interest.

"Okay, so like a broadcast?" Aaron asks. He pulls a small black case off of the desk, and pulls out a pair of black rimmed glasses. He puts on the glasses and goes back to the computer.

"Yeah, like a broadcast, I guess. We need more information, though, and proof. People won't believe us if we just tell them these things." I twirl the pen in my hands, threading it between each of my fingers.

Heatb finally speaks as if he's been in deep thought. "We need a mole. We need someone who the association trusts enough to help them."

Aaron and I nod. "Who is going to be the mole?" Aaron asks.

The room goes silent. I know I can't be the mole, because I have already turned my back on the association. They'd never trust me enough to let me come back. I rack my brain for someone who would help us, and I come up with one answer.

I squeeze my eyes shut at the thought of allowing this person to help us, but it might be the only way.

"I think I know someone," I sigh reluctantly. "But, we have to make sure, if something goes wrong, he won't get hurt in anyway."

Heath looks at me with a raised brow wondering who I have in mind. Aaron looks at Heath oddly, I can't help but feel like they've known eachother for a long time. Aaron looks back to me and nods.

"Call him."

I pull out my phone and pray he doesn't pick up. The phone rings two times before he answers. I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Rose?" I hear Ed ask on the other side of the line.

"Hey, Ed," I greet quietly.

"Oh my gosh, Rose," he sighs. I can hear relief in his voice. "Where are you? Are you okay? I tried calling you, but I don't think it had went through. You disappeared out of thin air."

His tone is full of worry, and I automatically feel bad. I shouldn't have left him by himself. I told him I wouldn't let him be alone.

I look up to gather my words. "I'm okay, Ed. Look, I need your help, but you can't tell anyone that you are helping or where you are going."

"Okay," he says slowly. I look over to Aaron and Heath who look at me with interest.

"Can I pick you up at your apartment? I can't say this over the phone."

"Yeah, but don't drive your car into town. For some reason, the association has the supers and the police on the look for it."

"Will do. See you soon, Ed."

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