Part 28: I'm Sorry For Your Loss

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Part 28: I'm Sorry For Your Loss

(Rose's POV again)

"Time for us to have a little chit-chat, huh?" Arden drawled, her voice way to chipper for this.

I glared at her. I glared at my mother who stood in the corner of the room and watched. How could she just watch? I looked back to Arden.

"You have me. I'm strapped up to your machine. You've literally killed my spirit. What more do you want?"

Arden smiled and tilted her head. Her hands clasped in front of her.

"I want to explain to you what my machine does. Do you not want to know?"

"I could care less," I bit out between my gritted teeth.

"Well, I am going to tell you anyway," Arden retorted.

I had the urge to rip her head off, but I couldn't due to being strapped to the machine. Nonetheless, Arden continued.

"Your friend, or should I say more than friend, Heath, introduced us to some very interesting research. Our labs have developed it, and we discovered we can retract a hero's powers through their bloodstream.

This machine does simply that. It drains you of your blood, separates the power from your blood, and then we can put your power to use.

In a normal instance, if we drained you of a small amount of power, your blood would regenerate and so would your power.

However, I plan on draining you entirely, of blood and power."

Arden let a little noise of approval to herself, and I shrinked back from her in response.

I would die. But I would die for the truth. It would be okay.

I could only hope that Heath would be okay. I would miss him. I would miss Aaron. I would miss Lucy and Henry.

But it would be okay.

It was almost as if Arden could see the resolve in my eyes when she clapped her hands together and walked over to the machine's control panel.

"I apologize. This is going to hurt."

The machine roared to life. The metal spirals inched closer and closer to my wrists and ankles before they pierced my skin. I let out a scream as the metal spirals whirled and spun making a hole in my wrists and ankles. The pain was almost unbearable.

Almost. I could do this.

The spirals stopped spinning when they fully pierced my skin, and I watched my blood drain from me into the tubes running from the spirals.

It would be a slow death. A slow and painful death.

My blood drained, and I started to pant as a sweat formed on my head. The pain didn't stop for one second. I only became numb to the pain.

I looked to Arden. I would make sure she looked at me as she killed me, as she drained me of every last bit of being. Her eyes shined. She was sick.

"Why- why are you doing this?" My voice was already becoming weak.

"I have people to protect. The world will be better if I have all the power at my finger tips. Then, the people I care for will never be in harm's way."

I shook my head. "You're wrong. Bad things will- will happen but you can't stop that. Whether you have power in your hands or not.

You'll always be weaker than someone else, Arden."

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