Part 10: The Middle of the Woods

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Part 10: The Middle of the Woods


I speed down the highway at a fast rate. My speed is slowly increasing on the dashboard, but I try to not think about it.

I focus my eyes on the road, but I am overly aware of Heath's presence in the car. Heath sits in the passenger seat, but I would say he is more of lounging than sitting. I don't know how he is so calm in the situation. I mean, I guess he is used to running from authorities, but I refuse to think what could happen, if we got caught.

Miko whines at me from the backseat. While he has been on car rides before, I'm usually not driving over 30 with him. This should be a rude awakening.

Miko pounces up to the center console and meows at me concerningly again.

"What is it, Miko?" I ask in a sweet voice. It sounds distant to how I am actually feeling.

Miko meows to me again, but he turns around to meow at Heath as well. Heath tilts his head at Miko, but he stays at a distance. Miko pads over into Heath's lap, patting a paw on his chest, and meows at him once more.

When Heath tilts his head to look at me, I direct my focus completely back to the road. However, out of the corner of my eye, I see Heath petting Miko with a small smile on his face.

About an hour later, Heath spoke up. "Where are we going?"

I let out a sigh. "I don't know, Heath! Do you have any suggestions of where to go when you're fleeing from the only government you've ever known?"

Heath went silent. I chuckled seeing he had no response to my question.

"Did you call me Heath?" he whispered suddenly.

My heart stopped for a second. Crap. He didn't know I knew who he was.

I shook my head, trying to look nonchalant. "No."

However, Heath could see through my lie like an owl sees through the dark.

"You called me Heath. City, why did you call me Heath?" His face is scrunched up with worry. I notice him pause at petting Miko while waiting for my answer.

I bite my lip. "Because, it's your name," I whisper hesitantly. "You told me it was your name, when you showed up to my place drunk."

Heath looks down, his face scrunched. Miko is pawing his leg, because Heath ceased petting him.

"Is that how I ended up in your apartment? Did you bandage my leg?"

I laughed. "Yeah, also you're an absolute child when you're drunk. Its quite hard to take you as a serious villain."

"Did I say anything too dumb?"

I shake my head. "You told me too remind you of that night. That was pretty dumb."

Heath nods his head and goes silent. We continue driving on with soft tune of a rock song playing in the background. I quietly sing some of the lyrics to myself. I hear Heath quietly singing along with me.


Heath types on the keyboard of his phone. The sky is dark with the pink clouds darkening every minute. Miko meows in annoyance.

"Okay, where do we want to stop?" Heath asks.

"Somewhere with a wooded area. I don't have enough money to stay in a hotel. We can just sleep in the car."

Heath squints at his phone and clicks once more. "Okay, fifteen minutes away is a wooded area with a camp ground. We can easily drive on their dirt roads and pull off somewhere..."

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