Part 18: Dangerous Games

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Part 18: Dangerous Games


He kissed me.

My eyes closed on instinct, and my mind went blank. I froze for a split second before kissing him back. Our lips moved together, and my hands curled up into his dark hair. The kiss was so wrong, it became inherently right.

Our annoyance and anger with eachother fueled the kiss. My stomach flipped on itself, and Heath deepened the kiss.

And then I remember who I am kissing.

I break the kiss, steping away from Heath. My mind is working a mile an hour while simultaneously being void of anything coherent. I glance around the room remembering the events that led to this moment.

Heath cared about me? And he kissed me...

My heart pounded in my chest. Heath, standing a foot away from me, looked shocked. His eyes were dazed with a hint of attraction I hadn't noticed before. His gaze ran over me countless times.

I tried to think of something to say, something that would make this all make sense. I was speechless.

Aaron's dog, Luna, jumps up from the corner she had been sitting in. I'm glad dogs can't speak because she would already know too much.

I hear a ding from the kitchen. "Um, the, uh, pizzas. I think they're done," I mumble, shifting on my feet.

Heath walks up to me. Our faces close once again. An eerily cool facade falls upon Heath's face, and it reminds me off the day he held a syringe to my neck.

"It doesn't have to mean anything," he says, his face gaging my reaction.

It was almost as if he wanted me to say it meant something. As if it did mean something, and we needed to say it did. But there were bigger issues to deal with at the moment.

"You're right."

His face falls for a second, but I make myself not care. I push past him and walk into the kitchen. I grab two oven mitts and pull out the breakfast pizzas.

I set a timer for about two minutes, so the pizzas will be cool by then. Heath still remains in the living room, and my mind replays the kiss over and over.

It was my first kiss. I had never had time for relationships because of my powers and job for the association.

The front door clicks, and I am pulled out of my mental conversation. Aaron walks in, and Luna bounds over to him. He drops to the ground to meet her. After sweet talking to Luna, Aaron stands back up. He walks into the kitchen and back into the living room as if inspecting the house.

Aaron places his hands on his hips. "Well, good job, you didn't burn the house down."

Heath scoffs. "Duh, do either of us have fire powers? It would be more likely to have flooded while you were gone."

I chuckle under my breath and catch myself. Since when had I laughed at Heath's dumb remarks?

Aaron laughs as well. He walks back into the kitchen, and Heath follows behind him at a sauntering pace. Heath almost looks like he is trying too hard to be himself.

Aaron smiles at me and then at the pizzas. He claps his hands together. "You got them out on time. I'm impressed." He nods at me with approval.

I salute him jokingly.

We all get our individual pizzas and sit down at the table awaiting what the day has in store.


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