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I screamed. My limbs thrashed as I sat up in bed. A cold sweat had formed on my forehead.

The room was dark. I could feel myself strapped to the machine again. The scenes of Ed, Leah, and my mother dying flashed before my eyes.

Hands grasped my shoulders as words spilled out of the person's mouth, but I couldn't hear them.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I clamp a hand to my mouth.

No. They can't die. I must save them!

"Belle, baby, you're okay. It's just a dream."

Those words bring me back to reality.

Heath sits in front of me. It had been a year since the fall of the association, and the effects still shown on both of us.

Heath's hair had become more shaggy, but honestly it fit him more, and a dark stubble has started to grow on his chin. Scars still littered his arms from the countless times he had been cut at the association.

He was still handsome.

Focusing on Heath helped me slow my breathing. I rest my head on his chest, and he rubs a hand up and down my back.

"I'm sorry I woke you," I say quietly.

I pulled back from Heath's chest. Faint traces of a smile formed on his face.

"Don't apologize. You pulled me from my own nightmare."

Heath had nightmares too. We never discussed what about. I think talking about it would make it feel too real for both of us.

I push my hair - still platinum blonde in color but cut to a shorter length than before - behind my ear. I brush away the tears from my eyes and start to move off of the queen sized bed.

Heath and I got married eight months ago, and we moved from his grandparents house to an small cottage on the outskirts of the city.

"I won't be able to sleep, again," I say blinking my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room.

Heath pushes himself off of the bed as well, and nods his head. I look to the small digital clock sitting on my bedside table reading three in the morning. I sigh. Another early morning.

I pick up a large shirt from the floor, which I later realize to be Heath's. The shirt completely covers my figure. I walk to the adjoining bathroom to our room, placing myself in front of the mirror.

I wash my face with some water from the faucet and brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror. My curved figure had filled out more, and my face became more angular. A semi-dark hickey was visible on my neck from a few nights ago.

I nod at myself and walk from Heath's and my bedroom out into the main room.

On one side of the room was the kitchen. Small plants littered the windowsills and, in a few spots, some larger plants hung from the ceiling. The kitchen island separates the main room, where on the other side is the living room.

I walk to the kitchen where Heath sits at the island on a dark barstool. I click the button on the old radio I thrifted from a garage sale and a song plays dully through its speakers.

I think through today's events. For some reason, though it's a Saturday, I feel as if I am forgetting an important part of today,

I look at Heath in shock. "Is today the day everyone is coming for lunch over here?"

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