Part 1: Chili's is Burning Down

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Part 1: Chili's is Burning Down


Out of all the places I wanted to be right now, the Chili's on Main Street was not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love a good meal at Chili's. However, when the building is in a burst of flames, it is not a good time to ask for a medium rare steak.

I sigh. The association just had to call me to work on my lunch break. I glare at a super villain known as, The Flare.

The Flare sat on a burning post. A smirk on her face showed her pride. Flare is so petty, she basically owns the word.

Despite her ridiculous nature, she was one of the most popular villains. Not to the association of course, but at our local highschool, all the guys talk about is her appearance.

She has dark brown hair that goes down her back, and her lip gloss is about as bright as the flames she produced. Not to mention, her costume is flame repellent, so she can sit on fire. The last one, the guys at my school have said, and I quote, " is so hot." I have held my tongue to remark that the whole point of the outfit is that she is not hot while surrounded by flames.

"Why can't they use a fire department for this stuff?" I mutter.

I look around the burning Chili's and see that all the people made it safely outside. I walk over to Flare, whose post she was sitting on is now merely a stump.

"What did the Chili's do this time?" I ask.

Flare glares at my attempt of downtalking. She holds her hands out to set me on fire, but I swiftly stick the new tech from the lab onto the palms of her hands.

"Don't try to set me on fire. The disks on your hands dig into you palms and send a flame repellent coating over your hands."

I hear the association cars pull into the scene.

"Seriously, Beatrice, how long is it going to take to get you to learn your lesson?"

Beatrice is The Flare's actual name. I know this, because beside being petty and fire shooting out of her hands she has no other skills.

During her shopping spree a few weeks ago, where she stole a bunch of clothes, (Again, why can't we have the police handle this?) I had to corner her outside a mall complex. Her mask fell off, and I instantly recognized her.

Beatrice is now looking at me with a glare. "Just because you know my name, you brat, doesn't mean you can condemn my life choices. How about you take an actual look at your association you work for?"

I shake my head as the association police walk over to Beatrice.

The police put her in handcuffs and take her off to the rehabilitation center for heroes.

I look back at the burning Chili's. Dang, I really want lunch right now. I shrug my shoulders. One of our speed and strength teams will get this place built back up in no time.


I head into my apartment, hanging my keys on the hook by the door and falling onto the couch.

My cat bounces off of the recliner and comes over to rub against my leg hanging off the couch.

"Hey, Miko."

I roll off the couch and walk to the bathroom. My dark business attire is very similar to my supersuit. The black tone of the outfit with a hint of yellow.

Usually, most of my jobs don't require my powers. Simple villains require simple solutions.

I groan. Dealing with idoits all day reminds me of my other place of work, highschool. On weekends, my entire schedule is open for the association, but on school days, I work afterschool.

"Super powers" are a common thing. Granted there are more powerful ones, but most people have some type of power. Whether the power is making really good coffees, or always being able to tell what a new movie title will be, everyone has a power.

I am in the more uncommon group of powers. I create and conduct electricity. I am a human taser.

I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. It's not like I'm going anywhere.

Grabbing a bag of doritos, I settle back down on the couch. I click on the TV, and the news channel is on. The story of my "saving" the Chili's is running. I quickly click to Netflix.

I turn on an episode of the office and check my phone. My notifications consist of my mother asking me when I'm going to visit, Pinterest informing of new pins, and that random email subscription I have.

The association provides housing for the high schoolers that work for them. Their motto is "The less friends, the less amount of damage." I know I should visit my mother soon, but she'll only ask me to come back home. I'm tired of answering questions I've answered before.

I turn back off my phone and turn my attention back to the TV. My cat purrs beside me, and I eat some doritos.

After a full episode runs, my phone buzzes.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Rosabelle, how are you, deary?" The association's secretary speaks through the phone.

"I thought we agreed to call me Rose? Is there a problem?"

"It's about The Flare. She seems to be," her voice trails of," noncompliant. She refuses to deal with our guards and keeps requesting you."

I sigh and run a hand down my face. "I'll be there in ten."

I hang up the phone and groan. "Why does everyone need my help?"

I walk to my room and throw on my work clothes and a mask to conceal my identity. Even if I know who Beatrice is, doesn't mean she knows who I am.

I grab my purse and keys and head to my car. The sky is dark and small stars litter the atmosphere. I wish I could be closer to the stars and farther away from here. I never asked to be super. I never asked for this.

I sigh. There is no use at wondering what could have been. I turn the ignition and drive off to the association.


A/n: Hey, darlings. Welcome to the first chapter of Resisted Attraction. I know I took a break from writing for a while. I hit a bad writers block. I randomly got the idea for this book though and started writing. I can't wait to get farther on this story.

I will be posting on a regular schedule of every week or so. Follow my account to get updates on when chapters will be out. Also, follow my twitter (anniejo_05) for more about my writing.

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