Part 11: Morning Death Threats

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Part 11: Morning Death Threats


I shifted in my sleep annoyed by Miko who was sitting on top of my arm. While I assumed, Miko would get off me after I moved, he only seemed to become more comfortable with me. I open my eyes to actually swipe Miko off me, but Miko is resting down by my feet purring softly. I shrug my shoulders slightly and believe that I was just imagining things.

No, there is definitely something on me.

I attempt to sit up, but the weight on me holds me down. Am I going insane? I then realize I am being pulled closer to Heath's side of the bed. I look down towards my middle to see Heath's arm wrapped around me.

Is he spooning me right now!?

"Heath," I whisper harshly while elbowing him from behind.

Heath groans and snuggles closer to me, and I can't help but tense. I elbow him again with more force. "Heath, you moronic idiot, wake up before I put you to sleep forever."

"Shhh, Belle, I cannot deal with your death threats first thing in the morning, dear."

I clench my teeth, but I also feel my cheeks reddening by being so close to him. "Then, don't give me a reason to threaten you."

Heath rolls over and groans once again before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. I sit up as well and scoot away to my half of the backseat. I look at Heath with annoyance, but I also end up checking him out.

His dark ebony hair is strayed off in many directions, yet it looks as if it was meant to be that way. His eyes have a light look to them as he looks as if he hasn't really woken up. However, my eyes stray to his bare torso and where the fabric of the blanket ends. I realize I've been staring too long, and my eyes no longer convey annoyance but interest instead.

Heath doesn't notice my attention, so I shake my head and stretch out my arms.

Miko stirs in his sleep and gets up to stretches with a quiet meow. I smile at him and coax him over to me. Miko pads over to me, and stretches his legs out. I run my hand through his soft grey fur, and he purrs in response. It brings a smile to my face, and I hear Heath softly chuckle beside me.

I look over to him. He runs a hand through his hair making it even messier than before. "You're really close with that cat," he says.

I nod my head. "Miko's been with me through just about everything."

I remember I adopted Miko after I moved out. I doubt my parents even know I have a cat. About a day after I moved into my apartment, I got the urge to adopt. The house was too quiet, and I needed company.

I headed to the animal shelter that day.

The rain splattered my windowshield as I  drove down the street and turned into the shelter's parking lot. A small red sign in the window read open and the light green paint of the building was starting to chip. I turned off the car, grabbing my purse, and quickly walking through the glass door away from the rain.

I shake my head letting the few raindrops roll out of my hair. The lady at the front desk smiles reluctantly. Her brunette hair curled behind her ears and only went down to her chin. I explained I was looking for an animal to keep in my apartment with me. She took me to look at the dogs first, but I felt it would be unfair to keep them inside all the time while I was gone.

The lady quickly led me to the cat section. The cats were all in their respective cages and multiple meowed at me for attention. I looked at the older cats first, believing they would be easier to deal with. However, Miko was only a kitten at the time.

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