Part 23: It's Almost Sad

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Part 23: It's Almost Sad


The association loomed over me as if begging me to succumb to my fear. I almost did. I almost turned back and left. That was the weakness inside me.

I pushed back my fear. I pushed back everything except for the thought that I had to help my friends. I disregarded what Aaron has said about me. I had to do this whether I believed I could or not.

I headed towards the infamous emergency exit I had used the past two times for the association. I opened the door being thankful it was unlocked. I raced up the stairs. I knew where the team was going. They were heading to the same place I had been when I watched Heath get taken. I raced up the stairs until I reached the right floor.

I flew open the door, but there was no trace that the team had entered here. My mind ran through the possible conclusions to where they could have been. My best bet is that they were entering through the front office.

I remember the plan now.

"We need to enter through the front. We should make it look like their agents are bringing us in as villains.

The four of us," Aaron gestured to Lucy, Henry, the dark-haired girl, and himself," will pretend to be restrained."

I raced back down the stairs and ran back out of the building. I ran to the front entrance and stopped dead in my tracks.

Ed, Josh, Jerry, and Ed's association partner stood towering over Aaron, Lucy, Henry, and the dark-haired girl. The four on the floor were handcuffed and held in place by a power emitted from somewhere in the room.

This wasn't the plan. This wasn't the team faking to be captured. Ed had actually turned them into the association.

A tall blond-haired woman stood with Ed. She had a middle-aged face and a huge grin on. I realized she was the president of the agency. The "famous" Arden Foyer stood before me.

They were going to take them away. Put them in some cell, torture them. I can't let that happen.

My desperation was rising, and my hands shook. No one had seen me yet. Everyone in the front room was too focused on the new prisoners to realize a runaway worker had shown her face in the very place she had once betrayed.

"No!" I yelled, pulling their attention to me.

So much for not being noticed. The entire room turned to me.

Arden, her smile becoming wider as she spots me, walks across the room to look down at me. She emits a feeling of power, and I immediately feel smaller than before.

"Look who decided to join the party," she says, her voice fakely high pitched. Her tone makes me sick to my stomach, and I debated whether or not to vomit on her shiny black heels.

"It's the dirty, little traitor. Isn't your hero name Dark Strike?" Arden asks.

I nod.

"Then, count this as the beginning of your lifelong sentence of pain."

Her hand reaches up to hover in front of my head, and I sharp pain shoots through my brain.

My vision darkens for a second, and I drop to the floor in pain. I press my palms to my forehead and let out a trembling scream.

"Aww, you can't be that weak, can you?" She mocks.

I grit my teeth, and my mouth forms into a sneer.

I have to push through the pain. I have to help them. I push against the blinding headache. I force my legs to move and push me back up.

My body still shakes from the pain of her power, but my determination stands strong. I meet her eyes with a dark glare.

"There we go. I knew you had to be stronger. Too bad you won't be strong enough for this."

The pain multiplies by one hundred. Her power surprises me, and I fall back to the floor. It angered me that she could make me fall. I grit my teeth. I still turned my eyes to glare at her.

"It's almost sad how easy it was to take you down. If only you had realized your trusted friend was actually working for me."

Arden turned to look at Ed, and I let out another cry of pain from Arden's power.

I couldn't decide which hurt me more, Arden's power or Ed's betrayal. I didn't want to go down like this.

Arden crouched down to meet my eyes from where I was sprawled on the floor.

"And now you get to watch you fail your friends."

Arden turns to Ed, Josh, and Jerry. "Take them away." The words were drawn out as if she were inflicting more pain with each one.

Aaron looks at me before Jerry yanks him from the floor. His eyes convey regret, but even more so, Aaron was scared. I wanted to help him I wanted to tell him this isn't the end.

But even that might be a lie.

Josh went to grab Lucy, and she winced as he yanked her to her feet. The fear won this time.

"Please," I choked out through the pain, through the anger, and through the fear. "Let them go. They don't deserve this. Just take me."

I begged. I pleaded. With everything in my being, I wished for them to be let go.

"Oh, dear. You dragged them into this. Now they're stuck."

She made me watch. Arden made me watch as the association traitors dragged everyone away. I imagined the torture they would be put through. That was enough for me to let out another cry of pain.

As Ed grabbed the dark-haired girl, I called out to him, my voice strained but my anger conveyed. "You were always a mole, Ed. We should have just realized sooner who you were a mole for."

I laughed. I laughed because only a sick hopeless person would in this situation.

"You broke our promise first. Stop lying to yourself, Ed."

Tears rolled down my face, but I laughed. My laughter increased as I collapsed into myself. I curled into myself, and I laughed despite the pain.

Off to the side, Arden spoke to another person on the side.

"Take her away to her cell."

The world went black.


Everything was dark. The walls were dark, the floor was dark. Everything.

Where was I?

I pushed myself off of the cold floor. My back popped in the process, and I winced.

Someone let out a breath that sounded like relief.


My heart thumped wildly inside my chest, but not from fear. I knew that voice anywhere. Heat rose in my cheeks.

I turned towards him.

My eyes took in his dark hair against his fair skin. His eyes that reminded me of the night sky. His voice calmed me instantly while also making me nervous. He sat inches away from me.

I let out a breath. My hands shaking with nerves. My voice was weak, but I knew he heard me.



A/n: The End. Just kidding. I thought since I ended this last chapter kind of sadly, I need to end this on with a small amount of hope. Just a small amount though. I have know met my goal of 30,000 words for this book, which makes me very happy btw!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments->>>

Vote for this chapter as well. Have a good day(-:


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