Part 7: Professionally

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Part 7: Professionally


His hand wrapped around my wrist, and his lips formed a sneer.

"What do you think you're doing, City?"

I twist my hand pulling my wrist out of his grasp.

"Stopping you once and for all."

I step away from Heath. He curses at me as I pull out my phone. I dial the association's number. My hands shake and sting from the glass earlier, but I ignore the pain.

The phone picks up. "Hello?"

"This is Dark Strike. I have Silent Rain captured, and I need help transporting him back to the building."

I glance over at Heath. His mouth is whispering "please" over and over. I bite my lip and remind myself that he's a criminal. However, the fear in his eyes is something I haven't seen in a villain before.

I shake my head. The secretary on the other side of the line informs me a jailing team will be here shortly. I hang up.

I go to sit on the rolling chair by the desk.

"City," Heath's voice breaks," You don't understand. I'm not the villain. Please-"

"Rain," I sigh. It hurts me to see him like this. I had hoped he'd retain some dignity, but it seems Heath has lost it. "You tried to memory wipe me. Face it. You are the villain."

Heath looks at me. His face studies mine in a peculiar way. I look away from his gaze, and I situate myself in the black rolling chair by the desk.

"You're going to regret this. You're going to wish you had listened to me."

I laugh. The pressure of the situation, having to sit in here with him, all while knowing he's really not as bad as I thought he was, is settling in.

"The only thing I will regret is not having a power that can shut you up."

I cross my arms over my chest allowing myself to relax. While I am still in the room with a villain, I feel powerful. I feel strong to have him captured here.

A couple minutes go by when a knock comes from outside the lair. "Ma'am, we are here to pick up Silent Rain. If you could, please, remove anything blocking the door."

"The door is clear."

The door breaks into many pieces in an explosion like manner. I shield my eyes cursing under my breath knowing I'll have a splinter later.

The two people are quite a sight to see. One is a typical strength-based super. This would be a super hero you'd see in a movie. Tall, six-pack, and charming, the whole get-up, he had it. As for the other super, he was a short kid. Around my height and scrawny arms. A loose  haircut, one of a typical teenage boy, that let his dark brunette hair fall over his eyes.

The boy nodded to me, and I retracted the electricity from around Heath. The kid stared at Heath intensly, his gaze not breaking, and Heath lost balance.

He fell onto me, his weight almost crushing my own. I struggled to keep him off the ground and off of me.

"Ah, that's my job." The tall super moved towards me taking Heath out of my grasp. He looked over to the boy. "He should be out long enough to get him back to the association, right?"

The boy nodded once again, and the tall super left.

I looked over to the boy, and a smile creeped onto my face. "Surprised to see you here, Ed."

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