Part 14: Cinnamon Sugar Cookies and Pizza Rolls

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Part 14: Cinnamon Sugar Cookies and Pizza Rolls


My feet push against the floor of the back porch to Heath's grandparents' house as I swing back and forth on the old porch swing. Heath sits up on the railing of the porch with his back against the wooden post.

It was a new day, and we had to figure out a plan to stop the government from torturing people and stealing their powers.

The screen door to the porch creaks open, and Heath's grandmother walks out with a pan of fresh cinnamon sugar cookies. She holds out the plate for me to take some, and I grab two along with Heath, who grabs two as well.

"Thanks..." I trail off realizing I don't know what to call her.

She smiles at me with a gentleness to her. "You can call me, Lucy."

I smile back. "Thanks, Lucy."

Lucy walks back inside, and I turn to Heath. "I can't figure out how you turned out like," I pause gesturing to him," this, when you're grandparents are such sweet people."

Heath shrugs taking a bite out of his cookie. "They were tougher when I was growing up then they are now. My gran's very smart and cunning when she wants to be, and my grandfather, well, he's as stubborn as it gets."

He tilts his head. "I guess, I inherited things about them in some weird way."

I nod and take a bite of my cookie. I hold in a smile at the sweet sugar hitting my tongue.

"We need to figure out how to stop the government," I say.

Heath nods. "We're going to have to go back to the city. I actually have a friend that might be able to help us. He lives about fifteen minutes from the association."

"Okay, we will also need an audience. We obviously can't stop the association from stealing powers, if people don't know about it."

Heath smiles, his dimples becoming prominent on his cheeks. I can tell he is planning, and I am both worried and excited to see what he has in mind.

Later on, we head inside the house and let his grandparents know we will be leaving. We packed up our stuff and loaded it into the car, but there was one thing I needed to ask them before we left.

I looked to Lucy, who seemed like she could already tell what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry to ask this," I say. "Can my cat, Miko, stay with you until all of this is over? It's not fair to keep him cooped us in a car or by himself."

Lucy nods. "Of course, dear. He has already seemed to take a liking to Henry anyway."

"Thank you."

I start to walk away, but Lucy speaks again. "I must ask one thing in return."

I turn back to her, waiting to hear her request.

"Make sure Heath comes home. I can tell he cares for you, and I think you'll be the only one that can make sure he stays safe."

I let out a breath of an almost laugh. "Heath doesn't care for me."

Lucy gives me a look and shakes her head. "I know my grandson. He wouldn't still be helping you, if he didn't care."

I nod, my lips pressed together. I walk out to the car where Heath sits in the passenger seat.

I walk over to the side where he sits. Opening the door, I toss the keys to him. "You can drive," I say.

Heath looks at me with confusion but, he hops out of the car to the driver seat anyway.

I get in on the passenger side, where Heath just left, as he turns the key into the ignition.

My mind wanders to what Lucy said. Does Heath care for me? Even if he did, did I care for him?


We arrive at Heath's friend's house at sunset. I couldn't help but grimace at the crumbling piece of construction in front of me.

The roof had lost many shingles, and the blue paint was peeling similar to a bad nail job. The thing that looked like a porch, but was too disfigured too be considered one, led up to the house.

The "porch" creaked and even tilted as we walked to the front door. Heath knocked once, and I worried the door might fall off of its hinges.

However, the door swung open, and the entire world went dark.

I stepped back in confusion and worry. I rubbed my eyes, but I still couldn't see. I hear a sigh in front of us, and the world comes back into view.

At the door stands a tall man, that I would believe is Heath's friend. He is a strong built man with broad shoulders. He has blonde hair that is gelled on his head and a dagger earring on one ear.

The friend leans against the doorway and crosses his arms. "A warning would be nice, Heath."

Heath laughs. "Why would I need to warn you?"

"So I would know to not have Luna attack you on sight," he says nonchalantly and shrugs. Almost on cue, his dog runs up beside him, who I assume is Luna.

His friend looks over to me and raises a brow. He pushes off the door frame and holds a hand out to me. "Was Heath finally cool enough to get a girlfriend?"

I blush and shake my head. "No, I could be considered an acquaintance. My name's Rose."

The blonde nods. He smiles as if he knows something I don't. "I'm Aaron."

Aaron looks back to Heath and releases my hand from his firm handshake. "So, what do I owe this visit?"

"We need some help on a plan to overtake the government," Heath says.

I squint my eyes at him. Yes, that's a good way to start the conversation. Aaron raises his eyebrows and steps away from the door to allow us in.

"Well, isn't that a loaded statement? C'mon in. I'll make pizza rolls."


A/n: I know this chapter isn't very long, but it was kind of a transitional chapter. I promise more things are going to be coming soon.

Anyways, we have now met Aaron. What do you think of him? What do you already think of his friendship with Heath and Rose is going to be like?

Well, leave a comment to tell me your thoughts on the chapter.

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