Part 19: He Left

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Part 19: He Left


My legs moved faster than my common sense, because there was no sense in running after Heath.

My heart pounded inside my chest, and I bolted out of the car after him. I turn the corner of the building, my legs burning with the increase of speed. Mh worry flooded throughout my body, and I could feel the electricity inside me wanting to flow through my veins.

I see the fire escape door about to close, and I grab the handle, quickly flinging it open. I dash up the stairs following the sound of the Heath's footsteps.

My mind was frantic, and it kept replaying what Heath said about his friends. How could he be so irrational?

As I climb the stairs, my legs burn more and more, but I can pushing with all my strength. If I lost Heath to the association, I would be back to square one.

I reach the top of another flight of stairs, and I see the door to that floor closing once again. I catch the handle praying that I am catching up to Heath.

I enter the door and notice I am back in the employees only room. Thankfully, no one was in here this time, so I run after Heath into the hallway.

I see Heath most of the way down the hallway, and my heart stops. Beyond this hallway was too many guards to take out without harming everyone in the room.

"Heath," I call out racing down the hallway towards him. I start to slow down as I get closer a breath of relief taking over my figure. I was out of breath, and I couldn't feel my legs. I ran on pure adrenaline.

Heath looks at me as if surprised I followed him, but he looked deranged and even out of control of himself.

"Heath," I tried to reason," please, come back to the car. We'll rescue your associates, but we need a plan."

Heath looks at me and nods. His head facing to the ground. I notice a tear roll down his cheek.

"It's been too long. It's all been too long," he says.

Heath turns and dashes through the doors at the end of the hallway before I could stop him. I race for him, but it was too late.

By the time I reached the end of the hallway, Heath had been pushed to the ground by a team of guards. I hold in my scream in fear of being discovered. My throat tightens, and tears stream down my cheeks. I start to lose control of my powers.

I race back down the hallway without looking back. My vision blurred countless times as tears fell from my eyes. I stumble down the fire escape and run back towards the car. I knew I didn't have much time before I lost complete control.

I see Ed standing beside the Volkswagen,  and he looks at me with worry when he sees me. I toss him the keys without care that he was a minor.


Ed looks at the keys with concern and back at me. "Rose-"

"DRIVE! As quick as possible. Go!" I scream.

Ed hurries into the driver's seat, and I take the passenger's. Ed starts the ignition and pulls out. I grab the bar of on the roof of the car with a tight grip and grit my teeth as I suck in a trembling breath. Glowing lines of electricity light up my veins in terrifying ways, and my heart raced more than before.

Ed sped down the road at a surprisingly fast rate. He continues to glance at me, but I pay him no attention. My mind left me back at the association, and I don't think I'm getting it back anytime soon.

As we arrive at a more wooded area towards Aaron's house, I hit the window hard twice.

"Stop here! Now!" I scream at Ed.

I was losing control. There was no stopping it. It consumed me.

I don't remember Ed's protests as I ran from the car. I don't remember stumbling into the grass. I don't remember tripping on a log and scraping my knees.

I remember a white light shooting through my head, and a pain shooting through me straight to my core. I remember my arms gripping my sides with a strength I didn't know I had. I remember wishing I could hold all of it in.

I wake hours later. My eyes open to darkness, and my head lays on coarse grass. I attempt to push myself up, but I can't feel my limbs.

"Rose?" I hear Ed's voice. A rustling sound moves towards me, and Ed moves my head to rest on his lap. I ignore the sting in my shoulder and focus on his worried eyes.

"Hey, Ed," I whisper.

Everything hurts throughout me. My skin is lined with new scars, and my heart throbs.

I lost Heath.

I try to focus on Ed's face, or I might break down once again. He lets out a breath.

"What in the world happened to you?" He asks softly with concern.

I force a trembling smile. "I lost- I lost him, Ed. He ran off before I could stop him, and the association got him. I lost Heath."

Ed frowns. "He ran off?" His face becomes dark.


Ed grits his teeth and growls. "He left you by yourself!?"

He glares off into the distance and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Ed, you're not hearing me. I lost him! It's my fault."

"Stop." Ed runs a hand down his face and grumbles. "You didn't lose him. He left. He left, Rose."

I look away, the words hurting me even more. I can't possible believe that Heath would just leave me. He meant to come back. He wouldn't just leave.

But how much did I even know about Heath anyway?

"Just take me back to Aaron's," I say my voice breaking slightly.

Ed nods, hoisting me into his arms. I'm glad he was strong, because I am.not what you would consider light.

I wince as he places me into the backseat, and he apologizes before going to the front seat and driving us off.


A/n: Oh no, lol. Things are starting to pick up pace for Rose. What will she do now that the association has Heath?

Happy Valentines Day! I hope you all are enjoying today and enjoy this chapter as well.

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