Part 30: What Are We?

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Part 30: What Are We?


I adjusted my shirt in the oval mirror in Heath's grandparents spare bedroom. Heath and I had shared a room claiming that Heath could keep an eye on me to make sure I was taking everything well. When we told Lucy and Henry that, they had shared a look with eachother.

In honestly, the most Heath and I did was share a few kisses before we both passed out on the bed. I was too tired anyway from being in the hospital. Heath and I still have discussed what we are, but I'm not too worried about it. All that matters right now is that he is here.

A knock sounds from the door to the bedroom and I call back to come in. Heath enters his eyes going up and down my figure until his eyes finally meet mine.

"You look good."

I blush creeps to my cheeks. I didn't look good. I could barely manage my hair this morning, my eyes had huge bags forming under them, and I looked like I had crawled back from the dead. In some twisted way, I kind of did.

Heath walks closer to me, and his hand goes to cup my cheek. "What's wrong?"

I lean into his palm and close my eyes. I find comfort in him.

"The meeting is today."

"Yes, it is."

"I feel like I'll make a fool of myself. Why should I be allowed to make decisions for our city?" I ask meekly.

Heath's thumb rubs back and forth on my cheek. "You saved this city, Belle. You saved so many people."

That's when the tears started. I choked back a sob.

"No, I killed people, Heath. They're dead. I killed them."

My shoulder shook as I fought back the tears already rolling down my cheeks. The guilt that had been pooling in my stomach these past few days released.

Heath's other hand went to my other cheek as he wiped away my tears.

"It wasn't your fault you did what you had to do in the moment to survive. Your only goal was to live. You did that," he comforted me.

I rested my head against his chest as I cried some more, and Heath held me firmly. As I started to calm down and my tears slowed, I looked up at Heath.

He was my tether to this world. If I didn’t have him I would have been in a darker place than ever.

"I love you," I whispered for the first time since we had said it inside the association.

Heath looked at me in shock, a light pink tinting his cheeks. Heath kisses me softly on the lips.

"I love you too."


"I will call this meeting into order now."

Heath and I sat at a large wooden table with a glassed over top. We sat in the judicial building's conference room with an arrangement of council members.

The head of the table called the meeting to order. He was a stout man with a mustache and little hair besides that.

The rest of the council members fell silent at his command.

"The association has fallen. Their evil ways have been revealed. How do we move forward?" The head of the table asks.

Another man, his nose large and face long and his hair a shade of dark brown with hints of gray spoke up.

"The association had become a sense of government almost. We need a whole new government system. I suggest we turn to a government where powers are not at the center of our ideals."

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