Part 29: It's Over Now

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Part 29: It's Over Now


"Rose. Rose, please. Dammit, why did I let you do this."

My head was foggy, and groaned as light hit my eyes. The pain in my wrist and legs seemed to dim slightly. I opened my eyes fully.

Heath was frantically pulling cords out of the control panel trying to shut down whatever power source it had.

His dark hair was disheveled and the bags under his eyes had become darker. He was strikingly beautiful.

"C'mon, you stupid thing! Shut off!" He yelled kicking the control panel.

I shook my head slightly yo wake myself up.

"Heath?" I croaked.

His head whipped to me. His eyes were still frantic as they ran over me. I probably looked horrible. I almost shied away from his gaze.

"Pull the tubes from my wrists and legs," I said.

He looked to the tubes draining me of blood and power. He rushed over to me, taking ahold of one of the tubes. I winced at the pain of the spiral being pulled from where it held in my skin.

"I'm sorry," Heath muttered as he went to the next tube. I knew he wasn't just sorry for the pain of this. No, it went way deeper than that. I only nodded.

"Are the- are the rest of them okay? Heath?" I asked softly. I wasn't sure, if I wanted to know the answer.

"Aaron, my grandparents, my cousin are safe. I also heard Beatrice helped get as many innocents out of the building as possible. They're safe."

The silence held between us as he pulled out the third tube.

"Did you broadcast it?"

Heath winced. I wonder if he watched. I wonder if he knew I was a killer, a murderer.

"Yes, we broadcasted it. The cities in a huge mess. There is a council coming in to discuss what will happen next for our city."

I nodded again. There was so many things to be said, yet I said none of them.

"Are Ed and my mother..."

"They're- they're dead."

I let out a sigh. A lone tear streaked out of my eye. Heath looked into my eyes as his thumb brushed the tear off of my cheek.

When Heath pulled out the last time, I felt tge entire weight of everything drop on me. Heath undid the straps of the machine, and I collapsed into his arms.

Heath picked me up into his arms. I looked to my mother. I said a quick prayer to whoever might be above that she rest in peace.

Then, I looked to Ed. At that moment, I saw tge kid I first knew. The sweet, caring kid who deserved the world. The kid who deserved a present mom. And I mourned for him. Traitor or not, he was still my Ed.

And in Heath's arms, I cried. I cried for the loss, I cried for the pain, I cried for the costs of this horrible game we were forced to play. I cried. And he held me close his chest until I had soaked his shirt and had no more tears.

As I cried he whispered. "It's over. It's all over." And it was, over.


Heatg carried me outside of the association to a canapy set up nearby. A makeshift hospital was set up. Cots were set up, and healers from tge association walked around checking on any of the prisoners that Beatrice had helped escape.

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