Part 20: The Broadcast

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Part 20: The Broadcast


"He did what?!"

Aaron paces across the kitchen. His fingers run through his messy blonde hair and a reluctant sigh releases from his mouth. My mind still didn't process Heath's actions, and I don't know what brought him to leave us.

We had a plan. Why couldn't he stick to the plan?

My body ached from overextended use of my powers. Ed had me propped against the couch, two pillows behind my head. His eyes never seem to leave me as if he worried I would break if he looked away for a second.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I shifted on the couch letting out a squeak of pain. Ed shot up to help me, his eyes full of worry. I held up a hand.

"I'm fine."

Aaron looked at me with concern. He got the gist of what happened, but he was still processing everything. I was still processing as well.

"Do we have all the information we need to do the broadcast?" I ask, attempting to change the subject.

Even with Heath gone, we had to move forward with our plan. The sooner we outed the association, the sooner we could work on breaking Heath out again.

Ed pulls his phone out of his pocket and holds it up. "There are plenty of photos on my phone, and I got a recording of the team talking about the villains and what they are doing to them."

"It's horrible what they do to them there. It was worse than what you described, Rose. They have them hooked up to multiple IVs, medicine to memory wipe them and others to drain blood from them. The guards torture them for fun with taser guns, and there's this one chemical that send seizures throughout them for hours," Ed rambled, his face contorted but resigned.

It was unfair to send him into that section and have him get information for us. I hated how he had to deal with this. He was too young. He'd always be too young in my eyes.

Aaron took the phone from Ed. "I'm going to download the pictures and recordings onto my computers and put a sideshow together. Rose, would you like to do the voiceover for when I broadcast it?"

I nodded my head, and Aaron walked off to his computers. Ed pushed himself off of the wall and moved over to the couch with me. I smiled softly and brushed a dark strand of hair from his face.

A soft pink tint glows against his light brown skin and his dark eyes glance over my face. I see the worry and fear clouded behind his features, and I wish I wasn't the reason he stressed.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I should have held it together better."

"Do not apologize for being in pain. Though, I will never understand why you seem to care for him." Ed shook his head.

I grab his hand. "I stick by your side, Ed, as long as you stick by mine. Our promise."

Ed squeezes my hand in return. "Our promise."


"What do I need to say?" I shift in my chair and tap the padded microphone in front of me. Aaron rolls away from his computer in his chair and plays with the cords attached to the microphone.

"Say what you think sounds correct. We can redo it, so don't worry about messing up." Aaron shrugs.

I roll my shoulders back to relieve the stress that has been forming. I sigh. "I know I am supposed to get people to rally and fight with us, but I don't know how to sound like leader. I'm only seventeen. I can't lead people."

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