Part 8: Let's Yell at My Boss

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Part 8: Let's Yell at My Boss


I shake my hands feeling relieved that the sting is gone. I stopped by the hero medical center this morning to get my recent injuries healed. The nurses employed there are usually ones who have medical powers. However, there have been a few nurses who didn't have medical powers, but they were determined enough to help people to get the job.

Either way, I got my hands healed from the glass yesterday. As the association likes to say," Our supers must be as healthy as possible to fight evil!"

I have a small hop in my step as I walk into the association lobby this morning. I think back to hanging out with Ed last night. It had been so long since I've casually hung out with someone like me. It had been so long since I was allowed to care for someone like my family.

I waved hello to the front desk lady, and I went on back to the rehabilitation center for villains. The front room of the center was similar to one of a nursing home lounge. Chairs were scattered across the room, along with sofas and recliners. Different corners of the room had televisions with programs running quietly. A few recovering villains were reading books.

In a roomy red chair sat Beatrice. I remember our last encounter with each other. Her haunted eyes still stared at me through my unconscious.

I slowly walked over to her. Her head was hung over a green-covered book and her hair pulled back into a messy bun, small curls falling out of it.


She glanced up. Her eyes no longer looked gone or lost besides the light bags under her eyes. She half-smiled.

"Dark Strike? You came back?"

I shift my weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah, how are you? Have you seen Silent Rain?"

Her eyebrows raised, and she sat her book off to the side. "I'm not very good. They took Rain back an hour ago. I don't think he's safe, DS." Her voice was laced with concern, while her demeanor seemed calm and happy.

A bad feeling pooled in my stomach. A sense of dread hung over my head like a piano hanging from a thin thread. I rolled my lips in thought.

"Where did they take him?"

"To the therapy rooms in the back."

I nod and head back to where Beatrice pointed me. I attempted to look calm, but my heart raced in my chest, and my steps were slightly too fast to be normal. As I got to the therapy rooms, I started to slow my steps.

I glanced in the small glass windows of the doors looking for Heath. The first door that I saw with someone inside, however, had me stopping in my tracks.

Oh no.

The villain in question was a woman. Her dark graying hair hung around her face. Her eyes were covered with a black cloth. A small IV hung from her hand, a clear fluid injecting into her. The association worker stood beside the villain. He had a clipboard in one hand and a long rod in the other.

The worker's mouth moved as if asking a question. The villain answered, but the worker frowned, his eyes becoming dark. The worker took the rod, pressing a button, and tased the villain with the end of the rod. The villain jerked in agony.

My eyes grew as I moved away from the door. I checked the patient info outside the door. The villain had been in this room for two months.

The dread crashed down on me.

I raced down the hall until I found the dark hair I knew all too well. Heath sat in a similar chair to the villain before. A worker clearly had been sent in yet, but I couldn't help but realize his fate was the same as the other villain.

I raced back down the corridor, and I quickly made my way to the boss's office. I knew I should have made an appointment, but the only form of social custom I could use was a knock.

I didn't wait for a reply as I barged into the office. The boss's reply to my knock was cut short as she met my eyes. Her face filled with confusion and shock.

"Dark Strike? You look distressed," she commented, but her words were lost on my terms.

"The villains- the villains, you're torturing them! I went back to check on Flare, and I saw." My hands shook, and my eyes searched the room.

The boss, her hands folded on her desk, shifted. "I assure you that is not what is happening in our rehabilitation center, Ms. Parker."

My voice rose to a yell. "Yes, you are. You shock them over and over until they give you whatever answer you want! What else have you hidden from our supers? Will you torture us too once we do something against you?"

The boss slams her hands against the table. The sound stops my shouting.

"Ms. Parker, people cannot be stopped unless they realize the right way to go about things! We are only helping the villains by helping them see the right way!"

"You are brainwashing them! You're not helping them see the right way. You're making them see your  way!"

The boss stands up, brushing off her suit. Her dirty blonde hair swishes in her ponytail as she rises to my level.

"I will not allow you to say this! You don't know what you are talking about, Ms. Parker."

I slow my breathing and smile falsely. I will only bring more trouble if I continue to yell at her, I realize. "You're right," I agree.

The boss recoils in surprise as she waits for me to continue.

"I'm being irrational. I think I have become unstable in my health, ma'am. I quit." My voice is distant, but I raise a hand to wave as I step out of the office.

I walk back towards the room where Heath sat. Beatrice watches me go past her. Her eyes are weary. As I walk down the hallway, I notice a back room for the center's employees. My plan was slowly forming in my head. I stopped outside the room where Heath was in. I scan my identification card, and I am granted office. 

Stupid association, giving high-ranking supers access to everywhere in the building.

I open the door and set my eyes on Heath. His eyes are cover by a black cloth. and his hands are cuffed. A rope is tied over his arms and around his middle keeping him to the chair. His head is down, and his shoulders are slumped. I walk closer trying to keep my steps quiet. I stand in front of the chair and notice Heath is visibly shaking.

I reach for his blindfold and pull it off.  His eyes meet mine. I hold my breath. 

"I'm getting you out of here."


A/n: Whew! This is late, but I hope you all had a good winter break for those of yall who got one. I certainly had a good winter break. Anyway, I had time to get some more chapters ready for you all.

I hope you like this chapter. Things are finally starting to get rolling!

If you liked the chapter, please, vote and comment your thoughts.


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