Part 26: Quick Goodbyes and Lost Time

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Part 26: Quick Goodbyes and Lost Time


Somebody screamed. I think it was me.

My knees went out from under me, and I hit the floor. Another scream wretched out of my mouth, and tears flowed freely down my face.

"No! No, no, no, no!"

My hands went to my hair, pulling at the strands. I few pieces of hair ripped out into my hands.

Leah was dead. She was because of me. No, no, no, no, no. I couldn't keep the secret. I failed. I failed her, and now she was dead. I killed her. No.

My power welled inside me. My vision blurred. I heard Heath call out to me, but I didn't understand what he was saying. I couldn't hear anything but the deafening sound of her death.

Lightning raced through my veins. I burned. I burned inside and out with anger at myself and at the man who stabbed the knife through her chest.

"No!" I screamed again. "How dare you?!"

I wasn't sure who I screamed at. Myself or the man.

I looked at Leah's dead body again. Her lifeless, cold eyes that had helped me, believed in me, trusted in me.

Power crackled within me, but I knew how to control it now. My anger fuled my power. A wave of power shot from me, and I screamed again, this time from the release of power.

I would avenge Leah.

The wave of power broke the forcefeild, and I wondered why I hadn't done it before. I expected the man to be scared, to step back in shock atleast.

But he only widened his eyes and gave a half smile.

"So you do have the power the records say you do. I'll let the president know it's time to test out her machine."

The man walked out of the room, and I let out a grunt. I dimmed the power within me. My eyes fell to Leah's lifeless body.

I got of my knees only to move over to where she was and fall to her side once more. Softer tears leaked out of my eyes now.

I took her cold hand in mine and cried.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't save you. I'm- I'm so sorry," I whispered.

I sniffed, and I shut out the thoughts of Leah from my mind. If I wasted time on the dead, I would lose the living.

My eyes went to Heath, and I rush to him. I pull the key out of my pocket Leah had given me, unlocking the handcuffs that kept him captive. He slumped against the wall, but he grabs my hand, and I pull him to his feet.

Heath stumbles, but I catch him. He gains his balance after a few seconds, and he places his hands on my shoulder. His eyes go over every piece of me.

He was here. He was in my grasp. I could hold him. I think he was think the same thing too.

My hands cup his face and his eyes meet mine. He shakes his head and presses his head further into my hold.

My lip quivers as I look at him almost not believing he was real.

"Belle, I-"

I cut him off with a kiss. He freezes for a second before melting into my lips. I almost sigh from the contact and close my eyes. His hands go from my shoulders to my waist as we deepen the kiss.

I slowly break away knowing we don't have much time. The man would be back anytime now.

"I love you," I say quickly, knowing if I didn’t say it now, I might never say it.

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