Part 3: My Cat's My Only Friend

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Part 3: My Cat's My Only Friend


My hands burned from the rough feeling of pavement digging into them. My hair hung over my face, but I turned to see who had struck me.

I knew ever since he spoke, it was voice I'd never forget.

"What are you doing here, Rain?"

His tall stance loomed over me. A hard glare in his eyes and a evil smirk made me flinch.

"Well, City, I heard you turned in one of my associates."

I started to push myself of the ground. My knees stung, and I felt a trail of blood trickle down my leg. I staggered slightly but held my stance.

"Flare is one of you associates? You need to leave her be, Rain. She does deserve this. She needs to be a high schooler, not one of your lackeys."

I watched what I said. I really wasn't in the position to take on my enemy right now, and I couldn't risk bringing him in to the association in case he caused even more havoc.

Rain, as I call him, has been my enemy since I started at the association. His technical name is Silent Rain, but that's quite a mouthful, and I could give less care about his actual name.

The association has tried to recruit him to our side countless times, because he is one of the high ranking supers.

However, all I could focus on was getting out of here.

Rain laughed, his voice harsh. "Oh, City, only one of us is the true villain, and it isn't me."

"My name is Dark Strike, Rain. Learn it and use it," I snapped.

Rain tilts his head. "But aren't you a human taser?" His voice is laced with mocking. "So, electricity could be shortened to City."

His smirk grew larger. My hands clenched into fists.

I felt the power surge through myself reaching my palms. I let the power grow until I felt strong enough.

The electricity flowed from my hands and struck Rain in the chest.

His body shook as he let out a quiet cry. His eyes widened. He fell to the ground in a small heap.

I walked over to his unconscious body. "I guess you could say, I am a human taser."

The sky darkened and a cold rain drop hit my face. The water sizzles against my skin giving me a shock.

"Crap." I press my hand against my cheek.

I pull off my jacket, holding it over my head. I make my way to my car. Rain won't be out for long, and I need to get home before he can give me more trouble.

I quickly drive to my apartment. I unlock the door, let myself in, and lock the door behind me. A storm takes place outside my window.

I slide down the back of my door. My breath is shallow and quick. Miko runs in from my bedroom. His soft meow is heard as he runs his head under my chin.

"Hey, baby. Sorry, I've been gone so long," I whisper to my cat.

I push myself off the floor, and I pick Miko up along with me. He purrs as I carry him into the bathroom. I sit Miko down on the floor, so I can grab the first aid kit from under my sink.

I click open the box and grab the burn and cut ointment along with two bandaid and some wrap. I sit on the toilet and shift my skirt up to assess the scrapes on my knees.

The cuts aren't deep, and they barely bleed. There is slight road burn around the scrapes. I apply some cream to the scrapes and stick bandaid on each knee.

I then turn to my hands. They are less scraped than my knees, but a small piece of gravel was in my left palm. I wash my hands in the sink which pulls the gravel out of my palm. I apply cream to both my palms, and I wrap them with a bandage.

I look at myself in the mirror. A small burn show up where the rain drop hit me earlier.

Usually water has no effect on me, but when I have recently used my powers the electricity is still on the surface and can cause burns.

I apply some of the cream to my cheek and call it good.

I pad into my bedroom and change out of my work clothes into some shorts and a sports bra.

I check the clock beside my bed, and it reads twelve o'clock. I rub my eyes, and walk back to the living room. Miko rests on the couch with his tail curled around him. I pet him him softly before picking him up.

"C'mon, Miko. Time for bed."


"Hello? Yes, this is Rose Parker. I called to let the school know I won't be attending in school today," - I shift on my feet and take a sip of my coffee- "Yes, I will be doing my assignments online." 

The school secretary pauses while typing something into her computer on the other side of the line.

"Okay, dear. You're all good," the secretary tells me.

I thank her and hang up. I drink more of my coffee and pull a stool up to the counter in the kitchen.

I walk into my room and grab my laptop. Sitting the laptop on the kitchen counter, I open it and sign in.

"Well, Miko looks like we got the day to ourselves," I call back into the apartment.

I hear a shuffle of paws down the hallway. Miko pads around the corner and meows at me.

I jump off the stool as my computer logs into my school assignments for me. I grab the cat food and scoop an appropriate amount into Miko's bowl. I also refill his water bowl.

I sigh. My fingers run through my hair catching on a few unbrushed parts.

"Oh, Miko hopefully today can be more peaceful than yesterday."

My phone buzzes on the counter. My mom's contact pulls up.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I shouldn't have spoke at all.

"Hey, mom."


A/n: A new chapter! I honestly love writing Rose's cat, Miko into the story. He's just too cute! I don't have much to say except for I will be updating every Wednesday. Let me know what you think about the story because I love hearing from y'all.

Follow my Twitter for story updates and extras in between updates! (anniejo_05)

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