Part 2: Allow Her To Speak

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Part 2: Allow Her To Speak


Whispers filled the hall. My heels clicked loudly even though my steps were soft. The hallway of many doors seemed to never end. The many doors, which lead to rooms of either in-captivity villains or psychologists rooms, all looked the same. Sometimes I wondered whether I was walking down the same section over and over. The only sign that I was in different sections was the section signs numbering from 1 to 13.

I stopped at the sign reading "Section 7".  I exhale and straighten my posture. I pull out my administration key and push open the door.

Beatrice is sitting on the opposite wall. Two guards stand on both sides of her. Her hair is frazzled and her eyes tired.

My eyes find her hands which are frantically pulling against the handcuffs she is restrained in. She opens her mouth to speak, but her words are silent.

I frown. "Why can't she speak?"

The guard to the left shifts. "That's my power. I can silence people."

"Well, allow her to speak again."

The guard to the right this time speaks. "Ma'am, we were ordered to keep her silent due to threats that she issued towards us."

I roll my eyes. "Jerry, she's a child. Can't you see she's scared. Goodness sake, let her speak."

Jerry, who I worked with when I first came to the association, coughed in embarrassment.

"Release her, Josh," he spoke to the other guard.

Josh shook his head. "Jerry..."

"She was obviously sent in here for a reason, and if we were to go against her, we would lose. Release her."

Josh shakes his head and mumbles under his breath. He does release Beatrice, though.

Beatrice rubs her throat awkwardly with the handcuffs on. "Thank you," she squeaks.

I speak to the guards. "You can leave now. I have it handled."

Josh leaves out the door first, and Jerry follows. Before exiting completely, Jerry turns back to me.

"Sorry for the trouble. Josh is new."

I shake off his apology. "It's fine, really."

The door closes. I turn to Beatrice and pull a chair over to her. I sit crossing one leg over the other.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She looks down. Her voice is quiet but harsh. "Yes, of course."


"Stop using my name!" She looks up at me. Her eyes are hard and dark. "You don't really know me. I'm the Flare."

"I'm sorry-"

"You're not sorry." She shakes her head. "I had a party to go to tonight. No one has any idea where I am, and my boyfriend expects me to be there."

I stand up. My fists shaking. "Then, maybe you shouldn't go burning down buildings in your free time."

Flare stands up as well. Her height and inch or so above mine.

"Don't act like you're so righteous. Do you know what kind of government you work for? They're hiding secrets right under your nose, and you have no clue!"

I release my fists and clench them once again. Electricy surges through me fueling my rage. Flare steps back tripping into her chair.

I close my eyes. My entire being is shaking. I want to hurt her.

I turn on my heel and run out the door. The lock clicks behind me, and I rush down the hallway.

I turn into the first restroom I see. My hands grip the sides of the sink. I look at my reflection and step back.

My eyes glow a shocking white. Glowing electric veins run through my entire body. My hair is straight black as if it had been burnt.

My eyes widen at myself. I breathe in letting myself relax. Slowly, I start to see my regular self return.

The white eyes turn back to their flat gray. My hair is now its platinum blonde. My skin is normal and pale.

I let out a breath.

There was a reason I was a high ranking super. I'm not the only super with electricity powers, but most are just used as electricians.

When I was twelve, I had an argument with my mother. My twelve year old emotions were high, and I lost control. The entire neighborhood lost power, and I basically exploded our living room.

The association got in touch with my parents to help control my power. When I was fourteen, I stopped living with my parents, and I went to live in my apartment. At the time, the association's caregivers would be there to assist me, but I still lived alone most of the time.

My mom wants me to go home, but I can't bare to look at the burn mark across her face from six years ago. My dad misses me, but he agrees that it was best I leave. He understands my decision and allows me to choose what's best.

I still attend highschool, but half of my classes are online. I mostly go for calculus and art.

I look at myself again in the mirror. I sigh. Reading the time on my clock, I should have already been asleep. I go to the front desk. The secretary peers at me from behind her round spectacles.

"Rosabelle, did everything work out with Flare?"

"No, she'll need alot of villain therapy, and her parents need to be contacted, please." I smile trying to look professional, but I'm about as real as the mask is that covers my face.

"Okay, dear. The association will get it covered." The lady smiles back at me. I must have sold my pretense.

"Thank you," I say, and I walk out to my car.

It is dark outside, almost pitch black. The only light is a small amount of stars littering the sky.

A shadow moves out of the corner of my eye, and I am shoved to the ground. The cold pavement scratches my knees, and I look up to see who is there.

The tall figure stands over me. His dark hair matches the color of the sky at the moment, and a silver stud pokes out if his eyebrow. A matching black mask covers his face.

"'Ello, mate."


A/n: Hello, readers and writers! The second chapter is finished, and I'm proud.

I debated whether or not to make this chapter longer, but I decided this is where I would stop. I really just happy I'm writing because I had some serious writer's block for a while.

Also, I made the little collage at the top. I will make little collages to fit the theme for every chapter, and you might be able to find hints to the chapters in them.

If you would like to get more content from me follow me on twitter: @anniejo_05

I would really appreciate it if you voted on this chapter. Please comment what you think.


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