Part 13: The Wrong Address

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Part 13: The Wrong Address


Do you ever want to really strangle someone? Like not actually hurt the person, but you cause an inconvenience in their life. You want strangle the person but not hurt them, just annoy them by taking up their time.

That's the feeling I feel right now.

"You're telling me you put in the wrong address?"


"The wrong address that is exactly the opposite way of the way we were supposed to go to get to your grandparents house?"


"And you didn't realize that we were going the wrong way until we finished the two hour drive?"


My hands grip the wheel as I attempt to control my annoyance. I let out a deep breath as I focus on the road. I slowly pull of to the side of the road and park the car. I lay my head against the wheel and squeeze my eyes shut.

"You are an absolute idiot, Heath," I groan.

I lean back into my seat and rub my palms against my forehead to release the stress building up.

"I told you, I'm no good with directions, and I offered to drive," Heath says as he runs a hand through his hair.

I shake my head. "You are not driving my car. For all I know, we'll end up in a ditch dead."

Heath tilts his head and turns towards me. An unamused smile is on his face. "You don't give me enough credit. I am perfectly capable of driving your car."

"Debatable," I scoff.

Earlier today, before we hit the road, Heath and I took turns changing our clothes in the car. I changed into a grey knitted sweater and a pair of ripped jeans. Heath stayed in the jeans he had on, but I let him borrow one of my large band shirts. I couldn't help but think it was weird he was borrowing my clothes. Somehow, the shirt suited him.

I also packed up the bar of the car, and I got rid of our makeshift bed, since we would hopefully have an actual bed to sleep in. That is, if Heath could actually get us to his grandparents.

I hold out my hand to Heath. "Phone." He places my phone into my hand. I click the search engine on the map app. "What's the address again?" I ask.

Heath gives me the address, and I type it carefully into the search engine. I click on the directions button once the address pops up and hand the phone back to Heath.

I turn on the car again. I check on Miko in the backseat, who is curled up and purring softly. I pull back onto the road as Heath reads me the first set of directions.

"So, we're going to your grandparents, but what about your parents?" I ask curious.

Heath looks out his window. "My parents died when I was young. I was raised by my grandparents."

I mentally curse at myself for even asking the question. "I'm sorry that was a rude question."

Heath smiles, but it isn't the genuine smile he wore when we sat in the car last night. His smile was like he was remembering something sad, but something he also didn't want to forget.

"It doesn't bother me. My mother died during my birth, and my father died shortly after from the shock of it all. I never knew them."

I nod. There were only so many things you could say in a situation like this, but I didn't think I should respond at all.

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